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Everything posted by Duszek

  1. A well-deserved and overdue tumble to the bottom tier for FC Duszek. The leeches on the Board need to get their finger out and invest in a periodic table and English monarchy wallchart, pronto. Not holding my breath though, the tight fucks.
  2. Arrived in a cold bottle and glass. I've now run out of positives.
  3. Darren Naish is an esteemed paleontologist. Fair play. Overcame the greatest hurdle life could throw at him. A lesson to other Darrens, imo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren_Naish
  4. We bought our flat five years ago on a Swiss Franc mortgage, 19 years fixed at 1.2%. Which is all well and good, but the euro has since tanked against the CHF, meaning if we sold it for X euros, we'd have to pay the balance off in CHF. And that was all well and good while I was earning CHF but I'm now earning US$. Think I've fucked up here.
  5. Going back to uni to study a subject I loved (English Literature) after previously being kicked out of a law degree for making hee haw effort. I'd only chosen law because I got good grades in my Highers, I had no actual interest in it and was found out soon enough. Studying great literature on the other hand was a fucking joy.
  6. Her: Who's your favourite literary vampire? Me: The one in Sesame Street Her: He doesn't count Me: I can assure you he does
  7. Hang on, I take it all back. The view from the back is a horror show. Greaves describe this as "a stylish addition to any fan's wardrobe".
  8. Fucking hell. My hometown is in the news for grim reasons. Some fucker just stabbed a bunch of 3 year-olds... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/08/knife-attack-french-alps-annecy
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