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Everything posted by git-intae-thum

  1. Agreed.... more the point that at least he is not encouraging folk with no military training to go.
  2. Appears so. https://www.scotsman.com/news/people/more-than-100-people-in-scotland-sign-up-to-fight-with-army-in-ukraine-3594140 Have to say Ben Wallace's comments on the matter are a bit more sensible than the those of the idiot foreign secretary.
  3. The ultra Britnat view harking back to an Uber Britannia is tragic......but is also f@ckin hilarious. Just point and laugh. It's all they deserve.
  4. I think you are a bit confused. "Rangers" was a once great Scottish football club. They are now defunct. It's all a bit of a sad story. You really should read about it. Sevco ltd......otherwise known as "the The Rangers football club established 2012".......is the the club you are maybe referring too. Not the same thing.
  5. ^^^ Point and laugh U have lived in the South of England for decades. You are a bit behind the times. Our public services (and quality of life in general) in Scotland are far superior to down South. The devolved governments have done a no bad job.........but independence will improve things dramatically.
  6. Sevco Scotland trading ltd fans decrying a second independence referendum when they were clearly permitted a second rangers...............(the The Rangers.......est 2012.)
  7. Take their point though. Getting a home game for the semi final was reward for highest place finishers. It should be a home game. The final games are not a home tie however. Getting the game was decided by random draw. Ticket allocations for the final qualifying games should be much more balanced.
  8. Obviously it comes from current contributions. Which makes this a real non story. Unfortunately there are still plenty of dumplings that buy the "paying into the big UK pot" story and they are exactly the demographic that such unionist propaganda is aimed at. The logical assumption is that Scotgov will finance pensions similar to how UK gov does just now........Unless we can build up some kind of sovereign wealth fund (aka Norway) .....you know like Scotland should have been able to do over the last 40 years, if it hadn't been saddled to a big leech.
  9. The Beeb is a bastion of "Britishness" The corporation's bias (conscious and subconscious) and then the influence it was able to exert, was easily worth a good few % points in 2014. From an independence point of view making the BBC just another broadcasting company is the start of a really big brick being removed from the wall. Southern Torys are handing another kick in the stanes to the Britnatters in Scotland, purely for their own right wing ideological reasons. They really don't give a shite for the union.
  10. Aye...Cannae help feeling a bit sorry for the lad. But Scottish unionists will never learn
  11. "Allowing" Scottish football allowed a second Rangers. Fair enough. Do you believe the people of Scotland should need to ask someone to "allow" them their democratic choice of a second referendum?
  12. You posted this earlier. It sums up the britnat position. Preventing democracy instead of arguing for the union ain't gonnae end well.
  13. It clearly is. There is a very real fear of democracy amongst the britnat element. Not healthy tbh.
  14. So the current britnat position appears to be that there is no.... and there should not be..... any democratic way for the people of Scotland to take back their independence without the consent of another nations parliament. Outstanding! Such political philosophy was very popular in the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries I understand. Didn't turn out too well in fairness.
  15. The issue of Westminster continually refusing a S.30 because they know they will lose.......and in turn Scottish based britnats likely to boycott any Holyrood only organised referendum, creates a clear issue for democracy in Scotland. Maybe for the future we should look to the past for inspiration as a way of expressing democratic will. Something like a new national covenant....but with a modern twist. Digital signatures not in a book...but each a part of a Blockchain. Something that is clear and transparent to the interested observer and irrefutable as an expression of will. Just a thought.
  16. Did she have a really good jobby or something. Cannae beat a guid shite on Christmas day.
  17. Maybe in the 6 years between the last referendum and COVID actually having a coherent strategy in place to gain independence.
  18. It's the one economic fact in the independence debate that cannot be disputed. The UK has totally squandered Scotland's oil wealth. We have extracted more than Norway. So where did all that revenue go? We should be sitting alongside them as the richest country in Europe.
  19. This snifter character has just outed as another angry puddin to point and laugh at tbh. The cheek calling anyone else a "flag shagger" As any sensible commentator would acknowledge, Scotland doesn't have a national deficit as such. It has a "notional" deficit. This is unfortunately not a comprehensible distinction for the average britnat double figure IQ. The UK apportions a share of its debt to Scotland. This is then added to GERs figures that have never been designed to represent the economy of an independent Scotland. There is simply currently no way to determine an iScotland's fiscal state.
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