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Everything posted by Costanza

  1. Anyone else got the fear Davidson will try to do something “clever” in the semi final? MOH at sweeper or such like?
  2. Listening to Simon Donnelly no picnic for us either. Put me in a right bad mood when realised he was on. We can’t have run out of popular former players already.
  3. Don't think it was the same game but was the same season. And only couple seasons before we had two sent off in a friendly!
  4. 5-2-3 has worked brilliantly for us at home so fully expect us to revert back to that. Melamed on the bench, not sure can trust him yet.
  5. Any news on Kerr? Feels like he’s been out for ages. Rooney is not a centre half and Booth is not a wing back. In isolation would be happy enough with that display but we are running out of games to get points in. Felt like Davidson didn’t have a clue what changes to make or when there. Conway for Spoony was utterly pointless.
  6. Fair comments. My point was more our fans seeming to treat as some kind of personal affront when he’s not given a job and then in this case Motherwell fans justifying why they’ve instead appointed Alexander. I don’t think there’s any prejudice and frankly don’t really care. He was great manager for us but he’s gone now. Move on. I might take him back right enough if things continue as they are.......
  7. Motherwell fans spending time pointing out why they shouldn’t have appointed TW is almost as dull as our fans wailing about how unfair it is he never got the job. Almost. Hopefully both sides learn lessons ahead of the Kilmarnock job being available in a couple of weeks.
  8. Remember that game really well Radford but not any incident in 78th minute at all. That was some team and run we were on at that time. Battered them.
  9. Bit unfair on Derek Holmes to be honest. Agree on McNamara incidentally. He was fine and would have had no issue if stayed for season. But no more of an endorsement than that. Will probably be pining for him come 445 mind you when discover whatever shambles our manager has cooked up for today.
  10. Another player tested positive for Covid, just confirmed on Twitter there
  11. David Narey certainly read the game better than this Sash83 character has read posts on this thread. Let less go over his head too I should imagine.
  12. As ever perfectly reasonable and rationale comments Radford. How far does patience stretch though, to relegation? I'm not advocating sacking him at all and agree we have to go with what we appointed. But does that patience come at the expense of ten years establishing ourselves? It's not a straightforward situation. Can only hope he learns and manages to change it soon.
  13. Do you think we'll get 5-7 points from the next three games? Can't see it at all am afraid. We are sleepwalking to relegation, the manager needs to wake up but shows no sign of it.
  14. Does it work for Millwall? They are not exactly the second coming of Brazil 1970 the last I looked.
  15. Not sure where to start with that game. Fair play to the folk still being positive. The only positive for me is we didn’t lose which appeared an inevitability in those last five minutes. Well done Zander.
  16. That was dreadful. County are guaranteed to score again.
  17. No May or Wotherspoon is a mad call. Both have a good record at that ground. Regardless it really makes us look pretty limited going forward and potentially overrun in midfield.
  18. At least with all this Saintee chat nobody is calling us the fucking “Super J’s”
  19. Can't wait for the need to get one out to get one in transfer chat to start. Will give us all a boost.
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