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Tony Wonder

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Everything posted by Tony Wonder

  1. 5 Hearts wins, 4 Dundee wins and a draw in the last 10 at Dens. Nowhere near as bas as I thought it was tbh, feel like we always toil up there.
  2. Boyce out for 2 months, needs an operation. That puts a slightly negative spin on the window, we must've known that, why didn't we get a forward in?
  3. I mind one game he looked electric, Motherwell away maybe? And then every other appearance he played like he'd been electrocuted
  4. I'm pretty happy with it all in. Good right back brought in which was needed, attacking midfielder with an eye for goal, Halkett and Forrest extensions. Pre contract for Dhanda. Squad thinned out a bit and a few good loans for youngsters. Just keeps us ticking along nicely, no massive short termism leaving us needing a rebuild in the summer and it actually looks like some proper planned out thinking. Seeing where we are in the league, we never needed any major work so it all seems sensible and leaves us well placed. Agree we need Boyce back soon though as an option, but Vargas at least looks like a viable option through the middle if needed.
  5. Yep hard game and if we aren't at it we could easily drop points.
  6. We are also managed by an untested quantity at this level. We didn't have the third highest budget. Why would that game have been bigged up as revenge when we pumped you in the Championship and had played you twice before that in the same season? Was it conveniently because you won? Genuinely, who is bonehead? I'm curious as to what injustices he's been riling people up about.
  7. I think we've already sold out the East Stand and a chunk of the South and tickets only went on sale yesterday. My guess is we'll sell both stands already allocated. A couple of good performances in the upcoming games might see us sell more if available in the North. I think KO time and the date has played a part, if it was Saturday at 3pm we'd be looking at over 5k easy I think seeing as it's the SC, not somewhere we've played competitively before and is relatively easy to get to.
  8. Our away form has been tremendous, our form in general has been good and Dundee while a good team have been patchy. The game at Tynie will hopefully sharpen our focus as well as to the problems Dundee can cause us. I'll go fro a narrow 2-1 Hearts win, Forrest and a winner from ex-Arab Fraser off the bench.
  9. McCabe doing a great job at Airdrie, would be a bold appointment. Think they'll probably want a "been there done that" type though.
  10. Not sure where I sit with it tbh. I think he's a good player, and may step up more in a team that try to dominate games a bit more. Hearts definitely lack a bit creativity as well but I can't see any way we want to set up with both McKay and Dhanda in a lineup so if we've offered big money I'm not 100% sure it's a great use of it. That said I'll fully support him and hope he does the business.
  11. Happy enough with a pre contract, wouldn't be spending a lot on him just now though, especially if still bringing Fraser in which Naismith said we were aiming to do. Bringing both would just be more blockage in the way of Tait/Pollock etc. If Fraser is off fair enough.
  12. I don't think we are a great team by any stretch, but I also don't think we are average in terms of this league. We score good goals at important times, we have a bit dig about us, and we are solid. We are also improving in terms of the football we play. Yesterday first half was awful, but in the second we played good stuff. We were brave in trying to play through the lines rather than being safe and we showed a willingness to try and get more goals rather than try to sit back and see it out. 10 wins and a draw out of our last 13 isn't a fluke and it's not average.
  13. Don't think Gordon had any chance tbh. Caught flat footed with a great dipping finish.
  14. Got this wrong. Started like a bunch of fannies and still won at a canter.
  15. Not overly convinced with Kingsley CH in a 4, however happy with the shape in general.
  16. Big Charlie Mulgrew was a bit of a handsome Dan as well.
  17. Good shout. Also, he wasn't much of a player, but Ryan Edwards. And Craig Gordon is far better looking than Marshall.
  18. On paper, and based on how this fixture usually goes, I can see why a home win looks the likely conclusion. Only thing that worries me is this run of home wins in the fixture can't last forever, and we've gave away big leads in our last two at Tynie. Makes me a wee bit apprehensive. If we start properly and not like a bunch of fannies I think we'll win. 2-1 Hearts, Shankland to miss his 4th penalty in a row.
  19. There wasn't close to 8000 missing, but there was a brutal storm and limited travel options, so picking Tuesday as an example of anything is a weird one. Those that made the effort from both sets of fans should be applauded, but I certainly wouldn't have been blaming anyone giving it a swerve.
  20. You're not really saying fans can't complain at a decision if an individual from their club thinks it was one are you? It's soft as they come and no need for VAR to intervene given Beaton was looking right at it. Most fans would be annoyed at that being against them.
  21. Indeed. I thought a win at the weekend would probably be enough to make sure Aberdeen aren't realistically going to overtake us. Now I think a point does that.
  22. Watched most of that. f**k me, Hibs are so naive. The gaps they leave, playing a midfield that lightweight, the refusal to switch from that formation, all of it. Just so much that could be quickly improved but isn't.
  23. Really excited by the look of Tait. He didn't look out of place at all. He was comfy on the ball and constantly on the move, would be happy for him to start on Saturday.
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