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Everything posted by Garrowhillclyde

  1. But if they are stopped at the lights what is the problem with passengers getting out the car? There shouldnt be a cyclist trying to squeeze up a non existant space in the first place. B)
  2. Top tip for Cyclists : Remember to pay, at best, scant regard to traffic signals and road markings. For that matter remember to cycle in a dangerous manner through them and put your life at risk by cycling through red lights against other traffic at all opportunities. Additionally, it is the fashion to scowl at motorists who have to swerve to avoid your inconsiderate and illegal manouvres.
  3. Not now, but I was eligible then. I was probably about 19 at the time, they were still using quills and inkpots.
  4. Here's a tip. Turn up in your sharpest suit, creases ironed in, hitler style hairdoo and moustache. When your name is called, stand, do an Airdrie salute and shout "Zeig Heil, kill the neds." The defence agent will object to you in a split second, seeing you as a daily mail reading member of the hang em high brigade and you are off scot free. Seriously though I done a watered down version of this yonks ago. When my name was called I stood up sharply, shouted 'HERE!' and clicked my heels. Needless to say it set off the looney alarm and I was happily walking my way back to the Train station 5 mins later.
  5. In an attempt to get myself sorted post holiday booze and eat fest (where over the week previous to the holiday, the 2 week holiday and the 2 weeks after where I endulged in notgivingashitedness and managed to put on 10 (yes, TEN) pounds), I have got back on the straight and narrow. Unfortunatley I work in different towns/cities every day, which means long days and little opportunity for excercise. However I managed to run from Govan, where I was today, back to Baillieston and it was HARD going. Unfortunately it took me through some of the shittiest areas in Scotland. Govan, Kingston, Gorbals, Bridgeton, Parkhead, Shettleston. Mutants of every creed abounded. Still, done the run, happy now!
  6. Stupid b*****ds that feed the shithawks on beaches. Absolute fucking murder. Inconsiderate idiots.
  7. Seconded. I really need to start getting on the post holiday fitness push. I'm a mess (or a bigger mess than usual).
  8. I think the carrot infinitely more fascinating than the geranium. The carrot has mystery. Flowers are essentially tarts. Prostitutes for the bees. There is, you'll agree, a certain je ne sais quoi oh so very special about a firm young carrot.
  9. If so, I demand to be the person at the front screaming 'Burn the heretic!, ignite his curlies!'
  10. Now there's an idea. Ex partners intimidated 50 Ex Partners given a bit of a pasting - 100 Annoying neighbours lawns sprayed with acid - 50 plus materials Robert Mugabe done in - 250 Seriously though head up HGG - maybe an opportunity for you to put oyut a message to him here as you appear to have the upper hand.
  11. Nina Simone on YouTube. The closest I'll ever get to Jazz without wanting to murder someone. Also the Cars. The above mention of the smiths ,ight just get me looking that way.
  12. Aww, someone been annoying you tonight, hgg? That said, I sometimes get my awkward and obstreperous head on just for the hell of it, especially if recipient of this behaviour has screwed my over in the past. Satisfies the soul.
  13. Normal service has been resumed. (with an even more sleazy gif)
  14. There were no Germans involved, it was only English folk I did it to (may have been some Welsh folk too - I cant tell the difference), who are a lot worse for it than the Germans. Aye but not for a couple of weeks. Just bought the Season tickets for me and the brats today, so somewhat skint.
  15. Tool. Anyway, if you were as bored as I was you would too. There's only so many Folks towels you can move about on sun loungers at other sides of the pool once they put them down and buggered off. Oh the chaos that later ensued.
  16. No it was the same holiday - I was just posting from time to time while over there when checking email, etc. I get the feeling I'm not going to like this.
  17. Just got back from hols last night. Was the post the one about Rangers90's sig? There's nothing there now. What did it have? A pic of some bronzed adonis?
  18. He was the former British number one. The undertone is that Murray is a better player. An undertone that I would wholeheartedly agree. I also think as a personality he had come on leaps and bounds, rather than the surly and moody player he formerly was.
  19. A couple of comedy smashes from him tonight as well - a couple of metres on his own side, ball sits nice and high for him......easy smash? nope into his own side of the nets. D'oh! Excellent comback.
  20. GC not in. Going on Hols the next day - Just in case I end up in the opposite team from Shakey.......
  21. I blame the Daily Mail. Always the Daily Mail. That was a very strange one last night. Your pal was a great wee player.
  22. Opening a bottle of wine to find it tastes horrible - and to add to the irritation, opened it after 10, so couldnt go get another or a few beers. Shit.
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