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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. 3 minutes ago, Neilly said:

    Dumbarton are not pretty on the eye but they play percentage, streetwise football and it is effective at this level. We couldn't deal with them physically from throw ins and set plays and that's ultimately where the game was won and lost.

    Apart from our well worked goal neither side really put together any decent passages of play that was cutting open the opposition. You wouldn't look at that game and say one team is top and the other bottom but our confidence seems at rock bottom (pun intentional) and its hard to see a way out of it with the constant chopping and changing of a squad of players who look an absolute mile off it.




  2. 7 minutes ago, WC Boggs said:

    He hasn't been evasive.  He was actually giving your resolutions credence.  In response, you make a pathetic pretence you don't know what he's talking about, then go on to say he should be silent if he doesn't know every detail all all that's gone on.   I envy him, I wish I didn't know any of it. Probably some 75% of the people who come to matches know little detail about the whole sorry mess that's gone on.  Most of them likely just want to watch football  without an  internal Punch and Judy show for a choir.  Most probably hope the mediation will put an end to it, as do. I  However short they are on detail, they have a right to speak if they choose to.  It's them I side with more than anybody right now.   This club needs an end to factional warfare, not a cheerleader for more of it.  Give peace a fucking chance!

    Can you swap "mediation" for "medication" in your well constructed post please.

    Thank You


  3. 57 minutes ago, FifeSons said:

    Tbh it’s pretty selfish of them to schedule the ceremony for when we’re playing.

    Also if it was my wedding, I’d never stand in the way of anyone and their team. Unless it was the Old Firm, maybe.

    You will never get a better chance to see a town even worse than Dumbarton.

    I believe the weather is to be dry on Saturday too,.

    Do it.


  4. 27 minutes ago, cedrick1 said:

    Can’t remember the last time we got off to flyer like yesterday. Probably no surprise we played a bit cautious after tat and I thought we were fairly tight and never really under sustained pressure. Noticed neither full back fir us ventured out of back 4 and were both pretty solid.

    we probably sat a little deep after half time leaving Byrne a bit isolated and only brightened up after sending off. 

    challenge now to build on this 

    I think we opened last season with a 3-0 win.

    I wish that we pressed on and scored more yesterday, but 2-0 will do nicely.


  5. 6 minutes ago, PWL said:

    Another couple of positives in that I thought it looked a decent crowd yesterday. First day optimism, good weather and (possibly) Celtic not playing till today. But it was good to see. 

    Also noticeable the number of new tops and polos being worn. Well done again to those involved. 

    I have never seen so many middle aged men in replica Sons shirts 😊

    Great to see 

  6. 1 hour ago, TullyBascombe said:

    Hey all. Not long moved into the area from down south and have taken the plunge with a Sons season ticket for this season.

    Been lurking here for a little while now so not exactly expecting a flowing feast of champagne Fazball that will echo down the ages while fans and club owners lace daisies into each other's hair, but looking forward to being a regular at the Rock. Maybe bump into a few of you along the way. 

    Welcome to Dumbarton Mr Bascombe 👍

  7. 9 hours ago, Frank Quitely said:

    I can't agree.  He's a bit of a one-trick pony, once the defender realises that Orsi drops his shoulder and always goes outside he is quite easy to contain.  He certainly gives his all but IMO his overall influence on games is minimal.

    I've yet to see any trick(s) from Orsi tbh.

    Maybe dropping to League 2 level he'll become a revelation



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