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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. 7 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    It's not the fact we've been relegated, anyone older than 8 years old will probably remember us being relegated before, it's the manner of the relegation and shape of the club that is angering people. The cycle has also never included regional football before, something we are now in real danger of such is the rudderless nature of our ship. I'd also like these stupid fucking "lets move the club to Broadwood" rumours to be put to bed once and for all. 

    We could be playing on Dumbarton Common within 5 years.


  2. 1 hour ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    Without wanting to go all Falkirk here, I was really surprised at how quiet the away end was. I can’t say I really gave Edinburgh City’s support any thought at all, but I assumed they’d bring 200 or so yesterday given the situation they were in. But the away end had 59 in it.

    That being said there was a good turnout at Ainslie Park midweek. So I don’t know if, akin to Cove, they have a good home support when the bigger clubs in the City aren’t playing, but don’t travel well.

    I don’t think they’re a cash rich ego trip though. Certainly not to Cove or Kelty levels anyway.

    Yes, that's it, their support is bolstered by Hearts/Hibs fans seeking a match to watch.

    Was talking to 2 guys there on Tues night about just that.

    Spartans have an excellent community set up there too, I noticed, lots of youth games on as our match was starting.

  3. 10 minutes ago, FifeSons said:


    What a wee fanny showing up for this game. The ghost at the feast. Him and Farrell probably more concerned about how Sevco get on this week.

    To be fair there was a shitload of players and managers from other clubs there tonight.

    Stevie Crawford, Jim Jeffries, pretty sure I noticed a couple of ex-Sons players too,  there was even a boayy in Albion Rovers gear, sizing us up for next season


  4. A few observations on a night of predictable misery

    Replacing Syvertsen, who was doing fine linking with McLean, for Orsi at half time sums up Farrell.

    Stevie Aitken was in attendance, he's tiny, even smaller than I remember.

    At one point nearly all our subs, even big McGeever etc were watching the game amongst the Sons fans, on the slope behind the goal, for a spell there was 2 lonely figures in our dugout 🤔

    Edinburgh City are not great but they did everything that we can't, took their chances, defended well and they were well organised. Well worth their win. You can only blow it now lads. Hope you go up and progress at Meadowbank.

    Jury out on the pies, mince and gravy can be very messy.



  5. 10 hours ago, The Moonster said:

    I just can't imagine either of Colin Hosie or Neil McKay saying such things so was wondering if it was our new man on the board (we only have 1 other director and she's female). Outrageous thing for a club official to say. 

    Ex-chairman Steele was at Airdrie today,dressed like he was still chairman.

    He's bald and a bit dour.





  6. 2 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    Peterhead score two against a team at the right end of the league and win.

    Clyde score two against a team at the right end of the league and win.

    We score two against a team at the right end of the league (with 10 men) and lose.

    And that is why we deserve to be ninth. There were some really decent aspects of our performance today. George Stanger was absolutely superb for example. But we gifted Airdrie two goals. Just as we've gift wrapped teams goals all season. To win a game we're having to score more than twice - and that is madness.

    That's it, in a nutshell.

    Yet another game, there for the taking today.

    To be filed alongside Peterhead last week, East Fife away last month...etc etc 

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