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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. Just heading back from Balmoor, aye the conditions were awful but were the same for both sides.

    That's right up there with the worst Ive seen Sons play, at 1-0 down we took charge for around 20 minutes or so, when it went 2-0 we gave up.

    Hope it's just a blip as things have been looking promising.

    Thank f**k we've got a carry out for the road back  😀

  2. 3 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    Our worst move ever was appointing Eddie May after the departure of Hughes (who stayed a year too long) and then our BOD (and a large percentage of our fans)'s refusal to see about two games in that he was hopelessly out of his depth.

    Fair enough Gaz, you'll certainly know more than me.

    McKinnon was an absolute cock though. 


  3. 2 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    Bad managerial appointments, bad recruitment. It really is as simple as that.

    All starts with our pathetic Mr Nice Guys of a board. They keep Holt in place and he is utter poison in our veins.

    Raymond McKinnon was your worst move ever, a guy who blamed defeat on our pitch after we beat his Dundee United side. 

  4. An 8-goal thriller in ACR Messina's first match in Serie C since last season's promotion.

    Paganese 4-4 Messina 

    Highlights (for anyone interested) should be on ACR's facebook 

    Up next for Messina it's a Sicilian derby v Palermo at the San Fillippo next weekend 😍

  5. 3 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

    Bit exaggerated;  he did express a sentiment that Sons games would be more enjoyable once my dad snuffed it, he didn't wish him dead.


    I think you may be contradicting yourself there 

    ETA There's maybe a reason why barely half a dozen Sons fans post on Sons' Sorrow these day's, I recall 20-30+ posters on our thread.

    Halcyon days indeed 

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