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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. 5 hours ago, an86 said:

    I actually gave up on that shiteshow of an online booking system.

    Attempting to tap/zoom in on a wee black dot to book a random seat & then trying to input payment details resulted in the website being over-sensitive & putting in bank account numbers that I never added 😂

    There will be a crowd of around 500 ffs, Partick Thistle have 'pay at the turnstile' options for their Championship games, no reason for Queen's not to either.

    Get that shite in the sea it's League 1 for fucksake.


  2. 13 hours ago, The Moonster said:

    Is this pay at the gate or do we need to bother with that ticketing nonsense? 

    Looking at QP's website, it seems to be the book a ticket online stuff, certainly for Queen's v Bonnyrigg tomorrow night.

    I know a few older Sons fans who haven't a clue about this system of getting a ticket, no smartphone device etc & will miss out. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    I was nine-years-old the last time we played Queen's Park in a league match. We've done a smashing job of avoiding each other over the years given we've been promoted twice and relegated once since then.

    With it being at Firhill at least we won't be stuck in an obscure below sea-level part of Hampden, unable to see the far goalmouth, as Andy Geggan pings an 89th minute free kick winner, into the postage stamp :P

  4. I realise it's only Monday, but I make no apologies for starting a match thread...despite being a fan of the away side.

    I'd have honestly expected a fan of the big-spending, Club on the rise, Spiders to have been quicker on this web :blink:

    After a marvellous comeback from 2-0 down on Saturday, Farrell's lads look to press on at the summit of League 1.

    I'd like to see Geggan & McKee (if fully fit) start, Ramsbottom between the sticks too & Callum Wilson looks decent.

    Good folks of either team, please feel free to discuss yer sides' prospects for this upcoming clash between 2 of Scotland's oldest Clubs. 




  5. 42 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    A fairly soft penalty and a fairly soft red card but totally daft from both Erskine and Wardrop who gave the attackers the chance to win the foul and gave the ref a decision to make. The rammy that followed the red card was daft handbags and if Barry Cook had just dealt with the situation straight away it probably wouldn’t have happened. 

    It’s actually great to see a bit of drama and fans losing the plot. The MacLean and Max Currie incident was excellent as was MacLean’s big GIRUY after the 2nd goal. You absolutely love to see it. The fitba is back!

    Essential Sunday viewing 

  6. 3 hours ago, Tory Boy said:

    I'm sure the Dumbarton fans are enjoying the seeth from the Airdrie support. But I was livid. 

    Rolling about in front of the support only to stop have a wink and laugh at the Airdrie support then return to rolling about. Quite frankly I think if that's caught on camera he should get banned. 

    If someone cheats like that against you, you're raging. If it's one of your players you can can sit back and enjoy the rage of the opposition. 


  7. 16 minutes ago, WeAllDreamOfATeamOfAndyRyans said:

    Don’t know how many fans we will bring though after our disasterclass last week mind you🤣🤣typical airdrie chance to get off to a good start with a healthy support and make a rip roaring c**t of it

    Even more reason to turn up, it's only 1 game into the season.

    And we'll have an amateur playing in goal tomorrow in all likelihood.

    Should be a hoot 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Nowhereman said:

    Are clubs going to be allowed to continue to stream even although fans are being allowed back to grounds?


    It totally makes sense too, as lower League clubs have plenty of fans spread all over,  unable to get to games.

    I think the streaming is a great thing 

  9. 18 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

    Came to Thailand in 2008 to live in a temple and learn about Buddhism, during this 1 month stay, the temple was  helping to built a school for the hill tribe children, that are not legally Thai to get them into the system of education and away from the prostitution and drugs trade.  A cycle that has destroyed there lives for decades.

    I loved it and came back for an extra 3 months, with being back in Scotland for about 1 week.  On my second trip, I meet a woman in her 50's at a laundrette in the town of Singburi.  She said to me that she would do my washing for me and I can go and get something to eat. I thought, that's sound good to me.  On my return, she handed me 1000 baht and explained that it was in one of my pockets.  Me being a good c**t, gave her  the 1000 baht and told her to treat herself and family.  She was a little embarrassed and refused, just at that time her son walked it to pick her up (I didn't know it was her son at the time).  He could speak a little English, and I explain it to him, that I would prefer she took the money....anyway, she ordered that I come to her house that evening for a meal, that she will prepare.

    I got picked up from the temple are around 18:00 and drove off into the wilderness to this little house in the farmlands/paddy fields.  The house was full of the family members, I meet my wife for the first time, it was the woman's daughter. 

    I married her 3 years latter and now have 3 kids.   

    I still go back to the school now and again to drop of boxes of sweeties or ice cream, none of the children are the same as when I helped there back in the day, they have all grown up, but it does give me a massive warm glow inside, when I'm there.  I also take my kids and wife with me.  Good for my kids to see  where it all began for me in Thailand.

    I only ever returned back to Scotland back in 2010, to fix some financial stuff and sell my house, never looked back. 

    Maybe the best thing I've read on P&B 👍

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