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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. 1 hour ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    I wonder why this kicks off at 1.30pm, seems a weird yin. 

    Is the Airdrie squad decimated with covid or something? Evens is a very, very good price if you have most of your players avaialble.

    It starts getting dark around 3.30pm, probably no got enough 50p's to power up the floodlights.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    Whilst I get what you are saying, when we’re playing a mid table East of Scotland League team we should be able to make some changes and rest some players (nae disrespect intended).

    I’m actually not convinced we are all that great. Some guys we signed in the summer, who I thought were good signings at the time, have proven to be pretty bad unfortunately. Buchanan and Geggan have been terrible so far, Orsi is ok but his end product is massively lacking, McKee has been completely anonymous (were we blinded by all his set piece assists previously or has he regressed massively since then?), Pignatiello has been pretty average albeit he does get shunted around a lot. Guys like Lynch, Muir and Boyle I was never convinced with and my mind hasn’t been changed on that front. Wilson has been one of the bright sparks but he’s young and has a lot of off games. The existing players - Carswell, Ramsbottom and McGeever have all been fairly poor. Stokes and Duthie have scored a few important goals but Stokes is clearly better suited to being an impact sub and Duthie’s decision making can be wild at times. Schiavone has been good but Faz absolutely loves taking him off after 70 mins, regardless of the scoreline.

    The manager doesn’t really instill confidence either, his substitutions are often bizarre and I’m not sure he ever has a plan B. The football was decent to watch for a while but the amount of silly goals we concede is a huge concern. His inability to sign anything resembling a striker who can score 10+ goals a season is a worry. We arguably dont have a single out and out striker in that squad, both Orsi and Schiavone came to us as players who could play up front but weren’t exactly naturals there. I would have to be brutally honest here and admit that I remain unconvinced with the manager, based on both his time with us and his previous achievements. Hopefully he can sort it in January.

    Yeah I agree with most of what you say.

    Just, I'd never take the Junior sides lightly by resting players though, Hamilton, Clyde, East Fife today got a shock.

    Farrell needs to quit messing around & get us back to the side that had us unbeaten in 5 or 6 games earlier this season, we do have it in us to challenge.

    Give me Muir over Boyle at left back any day, same with Duthie & Pignatiello over Geggan & McKee too. 

    Jury definitely still out on Farrell 




  3. 3 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    I managed to get my stream working after about 20 mins, unfortunately. 12 quid for that service is piss poor and the stream didn’t even catch the 3rd goal because one of the ballboys/girls on the far side was kicking the ball around and the camera focused on that (happened a few times throughout the game). Refunds all round I’d hope.

    Unlucky Sauchie, the final result massively papers over the cracks for us. We are fucking hopeless, an absolute mess at the back, a non existant midfield and zero cutting edge. Our final ball is terrible. Geggan and Buchanan were both absolutely dreadful. I think McKee’s goal was his first touch, he spent the 90 minutes just ghosting around.

    The more I watch us under Farrell the more I hate this team.  Very little quality, very little depth and a gaffer who sits with his thumb up his arse when we desperately need to make a change because we are chasing a goal and getting nowhere. Major surgery required in January I’m afraid.

    We have a decent enough side, unfortunately Farrell just can't help himself playing bizarre formations & shoe-horning guys into positions for crazy team selections.

    I mean, after a long losing run we win away at Alloa last week but Farrell decides to change a winning line up.

    Boyle & Geggan are done.


  4. 10 minutes ago, the snudge said:

    Pretty crap. Buchanan is all over the place. We're probably going to get a red card for something stupid. 

    Duthie can't play up top, he's constantly making terrible runs, offside more often than not. 

    We need wilson on the ball as much as possible. 

    Dunno where anyone is playing to be honest

    Our goal was well taken but Sauchie have let us off the hook a couple of times. We need another to settle things. 

    Yeah, I agree.

    But if only our manager would realise what a winning team/formation looked like.....well.....like our away win at Alloa last week 🤔

    Seems to think he is f***ing Claudio tinker man Ranieri.


  5. 1 hour ago, cedrick1 said:

    I don’t disagree with comment above but   Our current performances make the start of season look like a fluke.

    whils I thought your Ryan was our best player at no stage did he look like scoring.

    Schiavone & Orsi put in good shifts today with virtually nothing to work with, they chased everything.

    5 games unbeaten earlier in the season, playing decent attacking football with the correct team selection isn't a fluke imo.


  6. 20 minutes ago, cedrick1 said:

    While I agree squad needs boosting. I’m not sure where the finances will come from with the off the field stuff

    We have a decent squad, Farrell is not using it correctly.

    Our current squad had us near the top of the league, on an unbeaten run and playing some decent football and scoring goals, then indiscipline, some bizarre team selections, like leaving half decent younger players benched, finds us where we are now.

    Give me Sam Muir ahead of Boyle & Duthie ahead of Geggan/McKee any day.





  7. Well done Falkirk on taking your chances, Ramsbottom had a great game in the sticks for us for a change.

    Farrell has totally lost the plot with team selection, Pignatiello is not a right back, the younger guys, Wilson, Duthie, Stokes etc who played so well on that 5 game unbeaten run now sitting on the bench in favour of old duds.

    Get a grip Farrell 




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