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Silverton End

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Posts posted by Silverton End

  1. 16 minutes ago, Whiteside said:

    Hello workington supporter here,been looking at your club in light of what seems like a very random preseason game for both clubs, however would think the teams will be of very similar standards and should be a decent work out. For those who dont know Workington lost football league status in 1977 and since have meandered around the English non league scene, now marooned in the NPL north west after missing out on the title on the last day and then losing the play offs,things might be improving with the return of former manager Danny grainger and crowds at the back end of the season going over the 1000 mark. Many Scottish players have played for the reds over the years with lots settling into the area,loose connections an old neighbour of mine Jimmy Scott played for dumbarton in 1951 ,Alex Rollo finished his career at Workington and striker Barry Diamond one of the first players I remember watching in 1980 was born in Dumbarton.  Shame the game is a Tuesday night but hopefully a few will make the long trip

    Hello, if the match had been on a saturday it would have been easier for folk to go down, but couple that with us being in turmoil at the moment, with a crap manager, turnout may not be that good sadly.

    All the best 👍




  2. 1 hour ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    We've also signed Aron Lynas, former captain of Albion Rovers. He follows Ryan McGeever, Willie Dyer, Isaac Layne, Kalvin Orsi and Paddy O'Neil in our attempts to sign every single member of Brechin City's 2017-18 squad.

    Looks like we are following Brechin's trajectory too.


  3. 12 hours ago, DobbiesAgent said:

    Would be interesting what they would do I say two supporters clubbed together instead of buying a season ticket and bought a pitch side advertising board that said Farrel out on it for £450 😆 that seems like a steal 

    How about...


    Hosie Asset Management

    *stealing land since the 2000's*


    Henning's Helicopter School

    *learn how to fly like the pigs in 12 weeks*



  4. 3 minutes ago, PWL said:

    As someone who usually buys season tickets for myself and daughter plus sponsor a strip and plays club lottery etc - I'm very torn at moment. 

    Certainly don't want to defend the current regime but I worry if cutting cashflow might just speed up the club's demise. 


    Same here, I'll choose my games to attend and pay at the gate, I will certainly buy the new 150th anniversary shirt.



  5. 53 minutes ago, Only one David Marsh said:

    Are you heading the same way as the OG Clydebank? I was listening to a podcast the other day and the guy from supporters trust was saying Dumbarton are the biggest concern for next season with absent owners and being run into the ground for the land value of the stadium 

    Yes, that's about the size of it.

    The further we slide down the leagues, our shady owners rub their hands.

    They've taken out loans on parts of the land our stadium sits on.


  6. 8 hours ago, microdave said:
    14 hours ago, Silverton End said:
    From a week tomorrow...
    Our beloved Sons Sorrow..
    Will be in League 2 Chatter...
    Where there's considerably less patter..
    *gets coat*

    It's good and a better effort than I could do but I don't think our poet in residence has anything to worry about.

    Scolded by microdave...

    Silverton End willingly forgave...



  7. 13 minutes ago, Laurie Williams Loyal said:

    Yip that shower of tambourine shakers  sent Buchanans twat of a father over to me at the home game v Clyde game at home to jar me for shouting at his son at the Airdrie game. He wouldn’t tell me who he was but told me I should be supporting the team, the tit also said he had checked out my playing career and that wasn’t up to much. I remember when Buchanan resigned another poster for a club he was at previously said he spends a lot of his time searching out fans who criticise his boy. Reckon he will be very busy next season again then.

    You were my childhood hero Lawrie, how dare he.


  8. 27 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    How will we know if he’s good? 

    I’d far rather he was gone tbh, even if he’s a great coach. I don’t want him near the team and if him staying as coach means he’ll play some games next season then get him tae f**k. 

    Yeah, the club are effectively rewarding failure here in Boyle's case.

    I'd rather Boyle's wage was used to fund another signing.



  9. 1 hour ago, microdave said:

    I think it's harsh to judge Boyle's coaching before he even starts. He's had a decent career so he knows the game but he's played on too long imo. He's now 35 and hopefully he'll only be used on the park as an emergency back up similar to Jamie Ewings when he started coaching. Carswell has had Hutton, Wedderburn and Paton as partners in his time with us. I can't fathom why he's been consistently played without a creative midfielder by no less than three different managers. Baffling.


    He should have been thanked for his efforts and moved on.

    Why do we need another coach, is that 4 we have in the dugout now?

    Farrell, McKeown, Boyle, Phillips.

    Kalvin Orsi on a 2-year deal says it all too.

    Tactical geniuses the lot.



  10. 1 minute ago, C'mon_the_Sons said:

    ‘Right, tonight lads we’re going to be working on losing your man, failing to stop crosses and looking like you’re towing a caravan, ok’

    Is Farrell admitting he needs help in the dugout? 

    It's just papering over the cracks, we could sign Kieran Tierney and Nathan Patterson and Farrell would play them up front.

  11. 7 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    I'm hoping the idea is he spends more time on the sidelines helping a younger, better left back get on in the game. It's a bit strange of Faz to try and keep a defence together that conceded 76 goals across 38 games this year but we're told he's learned lessons!

    "Paddy you've not had the best season, in fact you'be been shite......how'd you fancy teaching others to be shite next season?"

    "Thanks gaffer"


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