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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. That was just as bad as the Morgan/cheesemaker/goat episode. Why do they bother doing crap like that?
  2. Bullet for my Valentine / KSE on Wednesday night then Alter Bridge / Volbeat / Gojira on Thursday!
  3. Also got my ticket for Ghost through the Live Nation presale. Let's do this
  4. Missed Ghost last year and I decided to go to our game against Raith. Def going to this one!!
  5. Just something to put out there, but does anyone else think Negan will break Daryl and he will end up becoming a Saviour? Remember he isn't in the comics so his storyline can go either way...
  6. Agree with this. I remember the day of the season 7 premiere, I was avoiding Facebook and Twitter like the plague, but heard someone in work talking about Abraham dying. So I thought "f**k it" went onto Twitter and saw a load of people talking about Glenn dying too. I was raging!
  7. I actually think Negan is decent, a much better bad guy than the Governor. Will be interesting to see how Daryl gets out of his situation, as it doesn't look like he is gonna make it out alive.
  8. Not as good as Moth Into Flame, but a helluva lot better than Hardwired. Album is out in less that three weeks
  9. I have to admit that any episode that focuses solely on Morgan is gonna be boring. It was alright I guess, but a massive comedown after last week. Should have had another week showing the aftermath of Negan and the killings, and not just move away from it straight away.
  10. Agree. Would be pretty awesome to have an episode showing his back story. Can't begin to imagine what that what would be like!!
  11. 'Hey dumbass. You in the tank. You cozy in there?"
  12. Anyone watching The Talking Dead? Not really a fan of it, but pretty decent tonight.
  13. Believe it or not I actually thought that myself. Would need to watch it back...
  14. This. I remember seeing Alex Rae in Glasgow city centre a while back. It didn't even register with me that I had to follow him and start shouting *Paisley b*stard* at him, he's just going about his daily life and doesn't need tossers like that following him about.
  15. Just watched the second episode. Much better than the opener. Loved the reference to Breaking Bad at the end
  16. What idiot would agree to go into work on a Saturday and do ten hours overtime? Oh yeah, me
  17. I do this all the time. I also keep my phone plugged into the charger even though it's fully charged. Apparently it's mean to ruin the battery, but who cares?
  18. ...and everyone turns into TV critics yet again.
  19. Those opening riffs could be the best I've ever heard them being played, so f'cking heavy. Metallica are back (not that they had ever gone away, mind you...). Cannot wait till they tour over here
  20. Got tickets for Newcastle and Glasgow, no problem
  21. There is a fan club presale beginning Monday. I joined up (£27.50) just so I could get access as I don't fancy my chances in the general sale. Also will be o2 priority but not sure when that is.
  22. That's my decision made, Newcastle it is!!
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