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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Got a ticket for Chelsea v Leicester City next weekend.
  2. But you get to where you are going twice as quick than you would if you walked up the stairs
  3. Also did she not noticed that the flight time would have been 6hrs 30mins (yes, I googled it)? What sort of aircraft can fly from the UK to Vegas in that time?!?!
  4. Shit, I've booked flights from Glasgow to Birmingham in July. Better make sure I'm not headed to Alabama...
  5. Alan Combe as in the ex St. Mirren keeper? I don't even remember him playing for us... EDIT I thought Stephen Stirling was decent enough before he got his leg snapped by that tosser Murray.
  6. Probably already been mentioned, but you can't use unblockers or VPN's to watch stuff on American Netflix anymore. Hopefully they are going to drop that restriction soon, and make it one massive international website. Can't see it happening though.
  7. Or the fact that when they ran a DNA test on the car key that was 'found' they only found Avery's DNA, and not that of the person that happened to drive the damn car. Another thing that always annoyed me was Halbach's brother, and his attitude when speaking to the press. He always said that Avery was the one that killed his sister and had full faith in the police, at one point saying he loved them. But for some reason he always seemed kinda chirpy, not the kind of person who had his sister brutally murdered 18 months before. Something dodgy going on with him I think.
  8. When some random Z-list celebrity that hardly anyone has heard of dies, someone puts a link on Facebook going "OMG not another one". Yesterday it was some actress who was in Corrie and Emmerdale, and today it was some host of a TV wildlife show or something.
  9. Just finished watching this. Wasn't sure about it to begin with but by the end I was hooked. Lenk and Colborn pissed me off from the beginning (especially Colborn), and I found myself getting annoyed with Kratz too, what a wee twat he made himself out to be. Strang and Buting are legends though. I just hope that Steven gets out before his parents pass on, I actually felt sorry for them the most. Not sure what else they could come up with in a second series, unless it's new evidence or Steven and Brendan get released, but we wouldn't need Netflix to tell us that!!
  10. This. Plus the fact when there is a full card in Europe, when you check the English scores, you have to scroll through the German, Spanish, French, Portugese, Italian, Belgian and Dutch scores to get to the Scottish ones.
  11. Pretty shit season finale IMO. Not sure about anyone else, but I can't really be going with the whole thing about Chuck having a reaction to electricity. It's just a really shitty plot IMO.
  12. Or going to bed shattered to get a good 8/9 hours sleep, and your alarm going off about what seems like 3 seconds later.
  13. I once witnessed a cyclist go straight through a give way into the path of a white van who had to slam on the brakes to avoid killing him. The van driver got out and shouted something at him (didn't hear as I had my earphones in) and the cyclist then went off on one, shouting and gesturing at the driver as if he was the one in the wrong. Utter twat.
  14. I love Hampden when it is packed for big games, with Spain, Germany, France and Italy being the main ones, but when we play friendlies in front of 20,000 fans it really is soul-less. I don't understand why the SFA can't take these kind of game else where. I mean, play Denmark last week at Tynecastle and the atmosphere would have been 100 times better. The only problem is, with over 30,000 SSC members, we can't afford to take games like Malta, Lithuania, Gibraltar etc to smaller grounds as they wouldn't be able to accommodate them all, but I would actually play them at Celtic Park and Ibrox. The scenes when Maloney scored against Ireland 18 months may be the best I've ever witnessed at a Scotland game. Would I knock it down though? I'm in two minds, I'd hate to see it go but at the same time I'd love to see games played elsewhere. PS the location is great. I can walk home in half an hour so no complaint from me there!!
  15. Too busy sitting in a dark corner...
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