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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Ah well, don't need to worry about getting back any more as my work have refused my annual leave request for that day and the day after.
  2. IainMorton

    Sons of Anarchy

    Just finished the last episode there, they might have given a warning or something...
  3. It's not the getting there I'm worried about, but the getting back home part! I see happybus.co.uk are doing £19 return (which probably isn't that much dearer than public transport these days!) from Buchanan Street straight to the stadium - may go for that as I don't fancy hanging about waiting for busses/trains afterwards. Yeah I meant standing tickets for this. TBH if I don't get a standing ticket for a gig like this, I would rather not go as seating isn't the same.
  4. Just picked up a ticket for Foo Fighters rescheduled gig at Murrayfield in September. Surprised I managed to get one, as I didn't have one for the original gig and thought they would have sold out again. I guess with it being later in the year, and not being able to reschedule holidays, some people wouldn't be able to go to the September gig. ETA what's the best way to get to a gig at Murrayfield? I don't drive (taking my test three days after the gig!) and I know trains can be a pain in the hole.
  5. Fair play to Vintage Trouble. Not my cup of tea and thought they were pretty dire when they first took to the stage, but they gave 100% and by the end everyone was going mental. The singer seems to be an excellent showman. Also on AC/DC, I know Brian and Angus are the main guys, but the other three should have gotten recognition aswell instead of just standing (or sitting) back and letting the other two have all the fun. I would have been bored as hell standing on the same spot for two hours playing away, especially when you are in a huge rock band.
  6. Pretty amazing gig. Agree with the sound, and yet again Glasgow people do us proud by spending all day getting wrecked at the bar then try to barge their way to the front 5 minutes before the main act come on. f**k off and arrive early like everyone else if you wanna get to the front. I was standing next to a big Geordie guy who was telling everyone who tried to squeeze past him to f**k off.
  7. Leaving for Hampden in about an hour - cannot wait for this gig!
  8. Kinda worried about the lack of signings so far, is Bobby Barr the only new player we have coming in so far?
  9. Possibly his biggest input since joining the show...
  10. Looking forward to this, as you don't actually see the start of the outbreak in TWD, just the army bombing the city to try and stop it from spreading. Will be interesting. Also having a brand new cast can't be a bad thing!
  11. Superb, just superb. I love this show.
  12. The first half of the season was decent. Breaking out of Terminus and going to get Beth from the hospital, and her getting killed of in the mid season finale. Second half has been pretty dire. I was hoping Alexandria would be like Woodbury, a normal looking place but with a lot of weird shit going on in the background. Hopefully season six is a lot better.
  13. Scotland fans who can't sing '500 Miles' properly, and sing the 'na na na' bit when it isn't sung in the song, after the first verse.
  14. Enjoyed that, especially the bit where he got covered in food as he was raiding the bin for the shredded invoices, only to walk round the corner and find the recycling bin.
  15. Another superb episode today, although it was a slow starter.
  16. Best part of the episode was Carol threatening the kid, haven't seen her like that before. Oh, and I think we know what's gonna happen between Rick and the blonde...
  17. I love Mike - best actor of the lot IMO!
  18. Can't see it happening, but how awesome would it be if Walt made a fleeting appearance near the end of the last episode?!
  19. BTW did anyone notice Rick's stubble about 30 seconds after shaving?!
  20. I think there will be a few episodes where everything seems fine, everyone is getting along well, then it will kick off and Rick & Co will kill everyone and take over the place.
  21. Standing in the bank which has three cash machines inside. Two of the three aren't working, so I am standing waiting on the only available machine. Someone comes up behind me, asking if the other two are working, I say no, but they proceed to try them anyway. Honestly, what's the point? I am just standing there ignoring the other two machines for no reason?
  22. I'm hoping it's not, surely there can't be another Woodbury and Terminus situation again?!
  23. I'm actually enjoying this a lot more than I was expecting, as I didn't think it would be up to much before it started. Looking forward to the next episode now!
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