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Everything posted by speedframe

  1. TBH I lost any feel good factor when reading Mr Malcolm's interview in the local press. The one where he intimated the priority was to make us 'hard to beat' and 'tighten up at the back'. Surely the priority is to establish some type of goal threat[emoji53]
  2. Don't bet on Sturgeon moving on Freeman any time soon. Remember how long Robison kept the gig and she clearly was way out of her depth.
  3. We've had a few howlers right enough but no one plummets the depths to H- - - - -y. As far as FAFC is concerned, close the discussion now.
  4. The playing staff we have should be able to have a decent stab at this league, based on the standard this season. Our recent performances however have been v.poor, attitudes have really been called into question. Whoever is appointed team manager has a big job on his hands. FAFC has long had a good reputation for how they look after their players, it is up to these players, hopefully with good leadership, to now step up and deliver.
  5. Finding the club statement a bit concerning, the priority is not to appoint 'as soon as possible' but to make the right appointment!
  6. Much improved from last week but no goal threat means you are likely to get beat, even from teams the standard of Falkirk.
  7. I'm not convinced Mr Weir should have given a post match interview on Saturday and even less convinced it should have been broadcast (at least without some heavy editing). Re Mr Campbell's departure, the real tragedy was the choice of replacement.
  8. Don't get carried away folks, any half baked outfit would have beaten us today[emoji43]
  9. Well done Airdrie, deserved victory against a poor side. Second half in particular we were rank rotten. Where do we go from here?
  10. Whole hearted club captain on the bench I assumed was due to a fitness issue - surely?
  11. Yes it was a bit of a punt I suppose, will any come good though?
  12. No complaints, EF provided far more threat up front.
  13. Hilson is a clever player with an excellent work rate, a real asset at our level.
  14. She didn't look well, slow speech and shaky hands.
  15. Ifs and buts won't cut it I'm afraid. We need to improve in all areas, starting now.
  16. Bump - looks like it's going to be another long hard season...
  17. Why the assumption the complainers are female. Have I missed something?
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