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Everything posted by hoobahabba

  1. I really don't understand the negativity towards Hopkin. We were not the only team to invest in our squad at the beginning of the season. Alloa and Airdrie made a fair few acquisitions as well. And yes, since then we have spent more than those around us, but he had us in a strong position long before we made overkill signings like Gallagher and Jacobs. He's done well to put us where we are and the fact that other would-be competitors have struggled to perform consistently doesn't change that. How can you argue that Hopkin is making heavy weather of League One when we are nine points clear at the top with a game in hand? The club already has a bad enough reputation for our revolving-door management policy. Why condemn the manager before he's even had a shot at the Championship with his own squad of players?
  2. Amazing news about Rafa. He was a brilliant player for us at this level between 2010-2011. Hopefully the four months out of playing regular football haven't impacted on his confidence/ability.
  3. Good with crosses/dead ball. Crap with the rest. However, he might be quite decent in League Two. Might also be a good fit for the Clyde set-up if it's anything like it was at the start of the season when you played us. Your big guys benefit from him at set pieces.
  4. Used to go watch Hibs 2013/14 as I lived nearby. Stanton was often one of the standouts in an otherwise pish squad of players. Seems to have dwindled a bit since then but he's still very young. Excited to see what he can bring to the team. Very lively player.
  5. First of all, it's a bit hypocritical to criticise us after the trademark anti-football approach Rangers adopted en route to the UEFA cup final in 2008. You bored everyone to tears with that pish. Secondly, we're a team of limited ability, particularly going forward. It'd be wrong to say that we didn't make any effort to attack. We just weren't capable of doing anything when we had the ball. Burchill's strategy was a pragmatic one. Rangers have a much more able team than us and were playing at home. Better to sit in, frustrate and hope to nick the odd goal/take game to pens than push up and expose ourselves to a thrashing. If it pissed you off that we played the way we did then that's your problem. I'm not denying that such performances aren't great to watch but, realistically speaking, it was the best chance we had of going through.
  6. He's not bad. Can see him doing well in League One. Scores a decent number of goals from set pieces as well.
  7. Who was that centre back playing for us against Dunfermline today? Was impressed. However, worried about midfield/fullbacks...
  8. Kyle really came onto a game at the end of last season. He's not particularly good with the ball at his feet, but he is strong, aggressive and tackles well. He's also remarkably good in the air for a guy of his size. Keaghan, however, would be the bigger miss for us. We definitely need to bulk up the squad. Would like to see another centre back come in to partner Cole. Sives is a decent backup option, but not first team material.
  9. Keaghan seems to have gone off the boil a bit of late, but usually he's a very consistent and committed player with a good touch and solid ball control. He links the play well and is always buzzing round looking to make things happen. Having said that, I would have thought that upper championship was his level; not SPL.
  10. Hard to judge the players on today's game, as the opposition were so young. However, McKenna, Gallagher and Glen all look decent.
  11. Interesting signings. No idea how we've managed to get Gallagher, but very happy with that one. The rest seem like a bit of a gamble, but quite confident in McGlynn so will trust that he'll get a decent return from them. Still need a few more signings. Particularly in midfield.
  12. He's a decent Championship player. Bit slow and clumsy, at times, but hard-working and strong. Takes a mean corner.
  13. Need to get a "Fortitier Omnia Vincit" chorus on the go in the DBM.
  14. Good player. He was best at CB for us, but also quite versatile. I also expected him to be signed up by another Championship club, following his exit from Livingston. He's a good acquisition for a League One side.
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