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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. We beat them convincingly 3-1 in an important league match only a couple of months ago. That was progress and when I thought we’d turned a corner. Makes Tuesday all the more embarrassing and infuriating.
  2. In some cases but I think this is a real tough one - especially looking at the list of potential managers. Only 2 I’d really consider is Maybury and Kerr
  3. Again I just don’t think this is fair. We’ve been hideous against Dunfermline fair enough. But the seasons past we’ve been without fail getting pumped by anyone in the top 4. We have beaten Airdrie, ayr, Partick, Alloa (a lot). Tuesday night is the only reason I’m considering Mcglynn’s role. To suggest all we’ve done is upped our win rate against the real jobbers isn’t fair
  4. Aye, I honestly think most fans are in the middle. An appreciation that we’ve seen our first “improvement” in a season in 6/7 years but also a huge disappointment at our promotion failure and our Hampden embarrassment (that’s what it was to me - not laying a glove on that Inverness team). Does Mcglynn deserve another year at it? Bang on the fence for me.
  5. Indeed, the manager and player turnover over the last decade has served us really well. Definitely the blueprint to follow. More of the same please!
  6. How do you know this? Do you have pals on the board? if that culture only exists “now” I don’t know what the f**k the culture has been over the last decade
  7. We’re not good enough to pass through them like they did to us so I’d get our best striker at winning headers (Oliver/Wright?) and lump it up and try and hem them in with Kennedy, Morrison, Lawal and Max or Nesbitt feeding off scraps around their box. Any attempts at our near play and Airdrie will piss themselves.
  8. There weren’t many results over the 2 legs that would have had me questioning Mcglynn’s job. However, he and the players utterly utterly fucked it. I’m on the fence about it, mainly because the list of candidates is vomit inducing
  9. Tbf it didn’t turn sour very quickly. We were on track to have one of our best and most enjoyable seasons in 6/7 years, from our lowest point ever. Last night is very hard to come back from though.
  10. 1 in the whole season is hilarious though and points to a ridiculous run of bad luck (especially when you consider what is a penalty these days - the semi final a great example). Would it have changed anything this season though? No. We'd have still finished 2nd and still been 5-0 down at HT last night.
  11. Aye, quite possible. Just not sure I fancy Mccall and the other options are scary
  12. A real stinker from Mcglynn that interview. The fans wanted 2 up front so we gave them that and look how it’s turned out. Vile response.
  13. Also, Mcglynn after a PJ Morrison mistake (that no one can actually remember?) “he’s lost a wee bit of confidence so we’ve rotated”. I believe we actually won the last game Morrison played (before Peterhead) Kinnear has had rock bottom confidence for a month and looks a husk of a man - where is Mcglynn now?
  14. Reactionary imo. Board should never ever have a say in football matters. That would effectively mean a chairman/woman saying “I know more about football than you, manager”. Some exceptions eg Goodwillie.
  15. Hard to blame the board for anything that’s happened in last few months
  16. Hard to argue against when guys have stumped up upwards of thousands of pounds to watch a team he’s been part of for years get horsed in any big game. But hope none of it overstepped the mark.
  17. Not many places to turn now - no radical changes available at board, manager or player level. Throughout the season we have been just about good enough or good enough, apart from anything resembling a big game. So I guess next season that is the thing that needs addressed. Is Mcglynn the man for that job? Hard to believe he is given his record this season and some early signs ala Nesbitt 2 year deal (an utter shocker as pointed out by many at the time). Well done Airdrie. They played the sort of game I’d love to see my team play, and one we haven’t mustered for a decade plus. They are strong strong favourites to go up now, can’t see Alloa or Hamilton causing them too much bother.
  18. Breaking news: 60 points is now actually better than 67 points.
  19. Fwiw an absolutely resounding no to any Fifer castoffs, especially Ohara and Todorov
  20. Over a season I think we’re a better squad than Airdrie but in these types of games I think we’re not up to it tbh. Can see them winning this leg then losing to Hamilton.
  21. Come on now, it was made in jest not in seriousness!
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