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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. We as fans should agree to only purchase West stand tickets until we fill that section and have to spill over to the north stand (if we even sell that section out). Make it look absolutely pathetic on TV - f**k the SFA
  2. Aye, it's an absolute pisser for us as fans, but we'll be raking in a quarter of a sold out hampden for the Sunday game at 38 quid a head
  3. 38 pounds is absolutely criminal. Thought it'd be 30 max. That could knock a few thousand off the attendance
  4. Really? It was either lunchtime Saturday or Sunday. Very happy to be any time on the Saturday imo
  5. We trained on the grass at Little Kerse during pre season in an attempt to reduce injuries - funnily enough that was the period of the season we suffered the most injuries
  6. Didn't think we'd have the stadium looking like this again, considering where we were 10 months ago
  7. Didn't realise from the KM how long the players and Mcglynn was hanging around the tunnel and main stand for - great video
  8. Only gripe with Monday - can we have some different post match music to what came on immediately after the FT whistle - showing my age maybe but didn't recognise it. Get Amarillo on within 2 minutes of full time
  9. I think given your consistency Mcglynn has been around long enough to know the league is 99.5% done.
  10. Liam Henderson could have been our MOTM every game since January and it’d be fair. Has to start every time he’s halfway fit
  11. We didn’t really turn up tonight for any period of time at what we’re actually good at. Maybe when Kennedy came on, and Oliver, changed the game a little bit, but still don’t think we ever really got at Ayr. If I was an ayr fan I’d be very pissed off at Bullen. Thought you had us on strings anytime you pressed and were on the front foot, but then completely let us back into it. Would have been 0-3 if you’d continued that first 20 mins of play. We fought well though and got all the breaks, that we haven’t really had all season. Lovely.
  12. Not getting that buzz that I had even for the Darvel game but tbh that’s when on the pitch we often excel.
  13. On sold out occasions like tomorrow does the brockville bar fill up quickly - do we need to be in there early to secure a spot? Main stand dweller usually thanks to the ST
  14. And even if it wasn't given, the 1st goal was coming soon after - defensively we don't quite have that mentality yet.
  15. Hmm, very obvious you don't really understand the fine margins in football. It's as if he himself lost the header from the corner Our "bottle" has been much improved, but does Mcglynn have a "big game" win in him? We'll definitely find that out this season. And, yes, Raith fans do appreciate what he did for them - those with the ability to look at information rationally, that is.
  16. Very well regarded by Raith and their fans until the last few months of his time there, has taken our rudderless rabble from 6th in the league to 2nd at worst - to suggest he's not very good is fanciful. Unfortunately, has ran into a team that has lost 1 game in the league in mid March. Football is football.
  17. Hope the players channel this into Monday. No doubt they’ll be embarrassed by the performance tonight - let’s make it right
  18. Pars turn in another very solid performance v us, whilst we save our 2 worst performances - proper stinking - for these 2 games = deserved champions. Very impressed with mcpake to turn a team into a title machine - they really had to keep their bottle for a few months and they’ve more than done that.
  19. Well he seems to have learned given its now March and he’s changed a winning team a grand total of zero times, tinkered once all season, and is unbeaten since November.
  20. Weird, I can see on my computer. Only the 3 end sections now available to click on for me Edit - looks like it's just wheelchair spaces now.
  21. That's the end sections lower tiers opening up now. Prime pie chucking territory for those who desire.
  22. Bet it’ll be the police. The power they have is ridiculous. Full stadiums for an ugly sisters game but can’t find a few extra for this one, where every penny is a prisoner for clubs this size.
  23. Aye, biggest regular league game crowd v the Fifers possibly in my memory. Massive credit to our players for making this any sort of meaningful contest. Form has been ridiculous and a draw or 2 more over the last 3 months and we’d be 9/10 points behind with this a damp squib. If only Dunfermline weren’t so fecking consistent.
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