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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Hope De Vita stays gone, utterly chronic signing from M and M. Any of those types of signings this summer or whenever we do business will make me extremely worried.
  2. Haha, that’s unreal irony. Talking about how statements have driven a wedge between and divided fans, and starting your post with “completely disagree”. Another statement that’ll do literally nothing but align us with Rangers and divide our own fans. Well done Gary.
  3. Very very Rangersy. Can’t get behind it
  4. Probably won’t happen, but a 2nd tier 14 team league would be great fun
  5. Not sure what I’d rather do, write an email to a newspaper, or support a man who raped a woman.
  6. If you want toys out the pram, you should look elsewhere - this statement from Raith, for example; “Our position is clear: We want the 2019-20 season declared over, funds distributed and discussion about reconstruction to start very soon. Any attempt to deem the 2019/20 season null and void and deny us being named as winners of League 1 and/or not promoted will be vigorously resisted”. Now that is toys out the pram. Falkirk have been nothing but practical and pragmatic about this vote, given the horrendous situation this illness has brought about. To vehemently claim to be champions with that statement is very embarrasing and desperate and would really worry me as a Raith fan. They were absolutely correct to vote yes, as we would have done if we’d been top by a point. All talk of boycotts is nonsense. But can’t help but feel the point and laugh at Falkirk is extremely misguided given what’s going to happen to some clubs in the coming year or 2.
  7. Talk about a serious lack of humility. Take a look at yourself.
  8. Even a spine of that squad, as would ours. Who knows what things will look like mind you in months/next year, it’s an unprecedented time for player contracts
  9. It is all ifs buts and maybes, but I struggle to feel sympathy for ourselves after we’ve played airdrie, Clyde and Raith 9 or 10 times and won zero games. We’ve been shafted a bit by Doncaster but I would feel a bit grubby if the shower of imposters that make up 8 or 9 of our 11 went up (do feel sorry for Dec though, what a boy). If Raith compete in the champ with that same squad they’re going straight back doon anyway but aye, little sympathy for us here.
  10. Considering how shafted we are getting by this whole sorry episode, must say the Falkirk fans have been exemplary in their behaviour in accepting it, unlike the Partick and Rangers fans.
  11. So the clubs (legally) have 28 days to vote. Does that not mean releasing the voting intentions so far is illegal? Hugely biased and done in an attempt to sway votes? Thats a question, I’m not an expert.
  12. This is once again an absolutely embarrassing organisational farce. There lies no blame with any club. Every single club is voting in self interest, obviously. We (Falkirk) are doing the same and us (fans) would be championing this recommendation if we were top by a point. But how it ever got to this point is mind boggling. Hilarious lack of leadership from the SPFL, the whole lot should be sacked for this sorry mess. Good people at clubs will lose their job because of this. Grow some balls and stop trying to appease the bigot bros and pass the buck. I’m absolutely fuming, even though Falkirk looks like getting the outcome it wanted
  13. You lost any credibility with that line fella. To suggest a league season is almost done with 1 point between 2 teams and 6 points between 4 teams and 8 games left is genuinely hilarious. I know you hate Falkirk for some reason (don’t know why, McKinnon is gone), but take a look at what you’ve just said. Don’t really mind what happens as Falkirk will lose out either way really (there’s no chance a top 2 from each league will go up, I don’t think that’s fair either) - null and void and just 1 up from each league would mean we lost out. Considering Covid will definitely come back and be around in some form for a while yet until a vaccine is found, starting another season by randomly finishing this season with only 8 games left is utterly mental to me. Finish this season when possible, hand out prize money (or a decent portion of it) to clubs who need it early to get by, then the rest when season complete.
  14. Oooo, been a little while since we’ve had a properly terrible opinion on here, fair play
  15. Housty was a proper fucking man and manager btw. Goosebumps here
  16. “Lee Miller never gets any fouls from any referees” my god
  17. What? This is a football forum not a tv channel. If a few idiots outside a pub want to moan and rant about their club not lifting the title that’s their business. But having reasonable discussion and sticking up for ourselves so we don’t get shafted (would you seriously bet against that?) is absolutely fine. Hell, it your mental health allows you to think only about corona and death for months and months then fair play to you. I’m not that lucky, as most others probably aren’t
  18. Kind of have to agree with Champions here. This virus is terrible. It will kill people. Anyone taking it lightly and still going to pubs etc for the last week or so is a moron. However this IS a football forum. Society will get back to something resembling normality, maybe not for a little or decent while, but it will get back. To just say stop having reasonable discussion on a crucial part of our lives because of this terrible thing that’s going on feels extremely high horsey
  19. Even better than that, let’s make them play all the games on one day. Be like an u9 footy tournament. Great idea mate.
  20. Jesus so did I. What a wanky thing to do. Shouldn’t be anywhere near our club
  21. He may well be awful, but he’s given nothing but 100% since he’s been at the club and his attitude is exemplary. Doesn’t mean he should be at the club, but flippant remarks about him losing his job is poor
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