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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. https://www.fifetoday.co.uk/sport/football/should-raith-rovers-be-awarded-league-one-title-if-season-cut-short-due-coronavirus-2446556 Finally, for once in the last 3 years, it’s not us who has to suffer an absolute riddy of an article
  2. Msg initial spreader of Corona Virus to prevent demands for retractable roof CONFIRMED
  3. @SouthStandBairn good to see the deccy/durnan joint interview. Nice to see you guys trying something and thought it worked well
  4. It’s very very strange, their interviews started with so much enthusiasm and they usually gave informative answers for the fans. Now it looks like they’re utterly pissed off with everything and have resorted to one line cliches giving nothing away. Utterly fucking bizarre
  5. This could be interesting. Hopefully sheds some light on the whole situation
  6. If he put as much effort into scoring goals as he did trying to win fouls, he’d be a player . Checks notes, has 8 more league goals than your top scorer. Was a pathetic attempt first half to win a pen mind you
  7. Zero minutes in that 90 made me believe otherwise. See you in May
  8. Todd is injured, McCracken said it in his pre match interview. No return date in sight either, great January signing
  9. Couldn’t get a game for hopeless brechin. Not a good sign
  10. Agreed, most likely is a draw then we can both get back to shitfesting wins for the next 7 or 8 games before the final showdown in the final couple of weeks. It’s gonna be painful baby
  11. Connolly has been consistently decent for about 2/3 months now. How he found himself out the first 11 I’ll never know
  12. I wouldn’t go as far as that, and I still like them as people and really wish they do well for us, but we’re about 3 months into their tenure and there’s already been some baffling stuff. Their away league record is also 2 wins out of 6, pathetic return so far
  13. Get some serious money on a draw imo. We’re both as bad as each other and really wouldn’t shock me if a montrose or east fife leapfrogged us. Might have sounded crazy a couple of weeks ago but I think they both have more capability than either of us to string 5/6 wins together
  14. If we don’t go up that January window needs looked at. It was crucial we added a few really decent quality signings - Hartley managed it in his first season ffs, it is doable. Instead we added de vita (genuinely hopeless), hall (I think a worse defender than Durnan), Todd (injury prone and not as good as longridge or Connolly, but an okay squad player) and lost a few, including tidser who never got a fair shot. A laughable shitshow. M and M need questioned over it
  15. M and M. The funds were there. Genuinely laughable decision
  16. Saw this on twitter, what a great idea to let the fans pick their favoured kit, really is a win win. Would love to see something like this at falkirk Pretty much guarantees to maximise kit sales too as it allows the majority to have their preferred kit. Smart
  17. Huh? Looks about a foot away from the whole ball being behind the line Wasnt at the game tonight but seems very promising a lot of our players didn’t play well but we won 2-0. Momentum picking up
  18. It’s quite a bit too large. 0-0 16/1 mega value too
  19. It has been a bit of a surprise to me that East fife have had by far the most tinpot freakshows in their support in league 1. Thought it was gonna be a Montrose or a Stranraer. Shame
  20. Couldn’t agree more. De vita seems a pointless signing given he’s slow and small, and Todd I hate to say it seems no better than longridge or Connolly - take the 1 on 1 v hearts, pure lack of quality that is. Petravicius went to QOS a couple of weeks ago - very much a marmite player but he really would have struck the fear into some of these league 1 defences, plus wouldn’t have been a domestic loan. Would rather have had him than Todd and de vita combined probably and would have then had space for a striker/defender as a domestic loan. But then again surely we’re not better at recruitment than actual football managers...surely...
  21. This would only work with a good balance of “backups”. We currently have 1 keeper (fine), 1 striker (McMillan), 1 CB (Hall) and 4 midfielders (Mcshane, Telfer, de vita, Todd). A hopeless mix, and if either of the wing backs were to get injured or straight redded there would be instant panic
  22. The jig was up by then. The real big games were alloa and Morton and we collapsed hideously in both
  23. Yeah, I’ve done the home end a couple of times, but the difference is, I don’t act like a walloper and stand in the corner of the stand with a group of fellow fans singing songs. This lot did that from before the game even started, making them easy to spot, and should’ve been hounded out as soon as that happened. It wasn’t a Hearts section. The main stand sweety rustlers really outdid themselves on Saturday, if they’d done that in the SS they would’ve been chucked out and worse
  24. Very good day for us, barely couldn’t care less now about the hearts game. I’m on the ale
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