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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. I normally wouldn’t touch a friendly but I would pay at least a tenner to watch today’s game for example. I’m tired of watching Everton west Brom and pretending it matters. I haven’t seen the only team I care about play in 6 months. Don’t know why we aren’t streaming this, lots will be in the same boat
  2. David McMillan scoring for Dundalk in the Europa league
  3. What? So because some people in America believe in and pay money to evangelicalists you can’t trust a single word anyone in that country ever says? That’s insane. Yes @Dawson Park Boy, the daily mail, which treats migrant deaths in the channel like a spectator sport. No thanks. As previously stated, If the story was man cheats on wife I’d laugh and not care. The rest of that thread was interesting reading, however.
  4. You know nothing about me. I would never read that rag. A lot of the dirt dug up about MC was Jeremy Kyle still shit but collectively it proved what a fake he was. I don’t care if he cheated on his wife and ran off with a new woman. It was the fact that seemed to seep into the boardroom of a football club and left a bitter taste in the fans of that club so much that they don’t want him on their board that seems noteworthy. The fact that he’s had some good reports from his time at Stoke City is a good counter argument to this.
  5. Is your question “do people really think the current board have not done their due diligence on this man?” Really?! Are people’s memories 4 months old?! They almost sold our fucking club to the charlatan 12 months ago, paid compensation for Ray fucking McKinnon when we have a lawyer on the board, ETC ETC ETC. Why would I trust them to do anything?!
  6. It’s strange that you are refusing to acknowledge the extra issues outlined considering these are fans of a club where his role would be similar to the one he’d have with us. Despite this, early signs are fairly promising, although I’m still skeptical of his intentions.
  7. No need for personal insults. I wasn’t extremely vocal on here about Kenny Rodgers until I saw (I think it was) BPM get shouted down for his reservations. He was proved absolutely correct. I agree that extramarital activity is almost meaningless in the context of a businessman, but the seeping in of his personal life into the running of that club and the lying to mayor stuff makes it worth posting if nothing else. It’s reddit, it may well be complete bullshit, who knows. Calm, constructive critical debate of these people is what let’s you arrive at the right decision. Not “f**k off fucking morons”.
  8. Another comment on that Reddit thread posted by bairn in exile. Comments such as “needs to be removed from the board” are worrying. Let’s hope the board haven’t fallen into the exact same trap as a year ago.
  9. It was genuinely only the skeptical attitude of people like bairn in exile which made the board u-turn on Kenny Rodgers. Important to remember that. This guy seems a bit more credible but it is still incredibly important we all ask “why” he is interested in us and not given a free ride.
  10. Gigantic credit goes to M&M. Obviously knew Alston from their playing days and they seem to have used that to their advantage in getting him in (2 year deal too!). He’s almost too good for any of the champ clubs never mind league 1. Genuine stauner enducing signing
  11. Callum Morrison, unless he’s still at East Fife? Given this’ll fill one of our weakest positions with a fairly average player, not exactly exciting
  12. Tumilty had half a season at Falkirk a couple years ago, always thought he was a solid champ/lower end of prem at best player, very solid right back for that level I think. Had a bit of passion about him too which counts for not much but is always nice to see
  13. This is all I get when I try to see my points - submitted my team days ago and have deleted and re downloaded the app - any help? Its just a blank white screen on my app - picture isn’t very clear
  14. A week ago when we all thought we’d have a front 3 of Keena, Dowds and Nelson with Alston on the wing, only for us to start the season with Dowds and Sammon with Todd on the right and McKee in the middle with Telfer in the hole
  15. Only genuine ITK we have on Falkirk P&B now is that East Fife fan/brother of a player lad, the rest have been wrong/trolls. Probably for the best, loads used to be ITK mainly because board members would talk to everyone in the town 2 days before any signing was made
  16. Oooo, that’s nice. Saves me from fuming when some Hamilton reprobate scores 3 against Killie and I had him 3rd sub
  17. Anyone know how to order subs? In fantasy English PL you can order them 1-3 so that your most likely to score points is first on bench - can’t seem to do it on app?
  18. Am I being whooshed? Partick are probably the only club who’ve been truly shafted by the SPFL. At worst we were dealt with harshly. But they have been royally fucked - relegated having played a game less ffs . 14 home games is decent for us - 2 away trips to Montrose and Partick isn’t. However if we’re shitting and panicking over trips to these 2 we may as well pack it all in tbh
  19. Hopefully we can break the 50/50 sales record for this - nice gesture
  20. QOTS fans seemed more upset at losing Doyle than Mercer - worrying
  21. I mean we scored 4 more goals than anyone in the league so wouldn’t say a stingy defense was the basis of our success. We simply couldn’t turn up against anyone resembling a side that might not roll over for the full 6 months we played last season
  22. I think 99% of his decision will be down to money, which is why im disappointed. No one could begrudge him if he wanted to play at the highest level possible but he’s proven he’s not that type of player. I’m annoyed we didn’t push the boat out a little bit, but maybe our wage structure doesn’t allow that sort of thing now. Kevin O’Hara though, eh. Ooft
  23. Wonder if it was purely money (seems to usually be the case with McManus) which drew him to dunfermline. Obviously the higher division which is a slight attraction but wouldn’t count for much I imagine. If so quite disappointing we didn’t push the boat out a bit to keep him - can’t imagine dunfermline will be paying him extortionate amounts. Pressure is really on MandM to pull something out the bag - we have 0 acceptable strikers on our books at the moment.
  24. Couldn’t agree more. No brainer statements about not paying the fees for clubs who voted to prevent reconstruction etc are obvious. The fact remains there are still people in the club who entertained mark fucking Campbell as a preferred bidder to buy my football club. Disgusting.
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