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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. RIP Ah-Dee. Not a nice situation at all. Condolences to all that knew him personally.
  2. For what it’s worth it’s quite a common thing, in the view that it clamps down on touts selling the tickets on (since their name will be on the ticket). However, anytime I’ve been warned to bring ID, I’ve never been asked for it. Any photo ID should do, just to be safe.
  3. Lost about 5 or 6 lbs in 2 and a bit weeks, so not bad going. Down to just a bit below 13 stone; already seeing a difference with my galavanting runs in football and not struggling to get back. I don't know what it is about straight cardio (running, treadmill, etc) but I just love it. Interval sprints are great as well, with the little walking breaks between each 100m sprint. Progress will probably slow down now, but if I keep at it with a calorie deficit diet, the lbs should still drop off.
  4. Tenchu and Timesplitters are brilliant shouts. I remember Tenchu being incredibly difficult; that correct?
  5. But is it right to then use that criticism to explain why Italy and Greece are on their arses economically? Greece were underreporting their national deficit for YEARS before the 2008 crash, combine that with the fact they were not bothering their arses with collecting €20billion in tax revenue then it's a bit silly to then point the finger at Ireland for "doing them out of" revenue.
  6. Also a Dreamcast Mech-fighter game called Tech Romancer.
  7. A next-gen remake of MGS1 and MGS3 would be tremendous. Devil May Cry 1 and Devil May Cry 3 would also be welcome. Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 would be good, but no doubt be awful.
  8. Not Ireland’s fault that those countries are incompetent in collecting any sort of tax from their citizens.
  9. Listen, I know in the grand scheme of things that study is obviously small-scale, poor design and methodology, etc etc. If there’s a study which used a MANOVA which yielded a significant effect with an effect size of 1, then jamming. However there probably isn’t. All I was saying, is that it’s flippant to say that the ingestion of supplementary amino acids won’t have some kind of effect on the brain. What that effect may be, I don’t know.
  10. I never said that BCAAs would do the opposite, just that they DO have an effect, the direction of which isn’t my point. And like I highlighted previously, everyone’s brain reacts differently. At least you read it, though.
  11. Well, yeah, but to say that ingesting supplementary amino acids won’t have an effect on your brain (considering everyone’s brain reacts differently to whatever chemical reaches the BBB) is a bit flippant.
  12. BCAAs do effect the mTor pathway which is a protein that is said to be involved in the development of major depression. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4973973/
  13. Going for a little bit of weight loss again, as over the past 2 years I’ve just not really been paying attention to what I eat. Jumped from 10.5/11 stone to 13 and even if it’s the heaviest I’ve been, and I’m still looking relatively not fat, I want to get down to around 11.5 stone in 2/3 months. Going for a calorie deficit (as anyone should) diet and heavy cardio + football. However I’m wanting to avoid pasta/rice a bit as I’ve been getting bloated eating them recently. Any suggestions on what I can have beside chicken/steak etc?
  14. Tesco sources it’s chicken meat for their wraps/sandwiches from Thailand and then makes the product in the EU. It says on the packets.
  15. I think we are still looking at bringing in one more player.
  16. The Scottish peoples’ sovereign right to determine their best form of Scottish government wouldn’t involve conceding their independence to another country. Moreover, are you saying that any developed, independent country would consider ceding their own nation back to a past ruler? Unlikely in the extreme. I’m sure updated legislation would be introduced to ensure maximum severance of old ties with Westminster; including a new claim of right act which reflects the newly independent nature of Scotland.
  17. Or have it written into the constitution of the newly independent Scotland that independence will never be rescinded.
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