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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Fuuuuucking hell. We really do live in The Thick Of It.
  2. Scotland pretty much has the resources that any country our size would give their left bollock for. Add our financial services and other exports into the equation and we are already a very wealthy nation, independence would amplify that.
  3. I’m working tomorrow, cunto. My weekend starts Sunday.
  4. The vastness of the universe is reassuring in the sense that we quite clearly go nowhere when we die, and our actions are essentially devoid of any consequence beyond our mortal coil.
  5. He absolutely looks like one of those Tory MP’s that are for the watching.
  6. If it’s northern rail you’re fucked. 7 months living in Leeds taught me to never rely on them, useless c***s.
  7. Bit silly but dust/dirt accumulates quite easily in the charge port of iPhones. Get a small toothpick or something similar and give it a clean.
  8. Dodging is pretty overpowered in the Witcher. Same with Quen; if you max out that ability you’re basically laughing. I went for a mixture of predominantly red and blue mutagens to maximise my damage output to ridiculous levels. You can make a potion build (green mutagens) which results in you being able to poison yourself with Witcher potions but also become basically invincible. There’s good guides on YouTube if you want to see what different builds there are which could suit your play style.
  9. For what it’s worth, you could stick the difficulty on “Story Only” (I think that’s the term), which is pretty darn easy but gives you a wee challenge with the bosses. It basically just allows you to progress through the game and focus on the story without the stress of tough enemies. I’d also recommend getting both DLC’s because they could be 2 stand-alone games in their own right. Easily 200-300 hours worth of gameplay in there.
  10. Do you have the blood and wine DLC? I’m jealous of anyone who hasn’t fully got through the game yet. It’s that good.
  11. Yup. They don’t go away. Some side-quests may close off if the story goes a certain way though.
  12. No idea why he seems so keen on bringing shitey, American meme NPC patter to the forum.
  13. f**k off with this shite. The integrity of our parliament is at risk.
  14. Gove is either going to become brexit secretary or resign. Tasty.
  15. Theresa is fucking flapping here. Like a clown running through a minefield.
  16. I can only try so hard to not dish out the “Told you so’s” and “GIRUY’s” to people I know that voted to leave. This whole scenario is the perfect example of an omnishambles.
  17. Bohemian Rhapsody 9.9/10 The only downside was that it had to end. Was bloody perfect in near enough every way.
  18. Can an individual born with both sets of genitals refer to themselves as male and female, then?
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