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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. And they will be thoroughly ignored by the vast majority of English MP's. Nation of equals, aye? Away back to taking your commission for sucking the EPL boaby you fantasist.
  2. HoS is tragic as hell. [emoji24]
  3. Or use Rend to just bypass enemy blocks. [emoji23]
  4. I'm famous. This was my response to the news of further healthcare and mental healthcare cuts to Tayside, resulting in Carseview in Dundee being further overwhelmed.
  5. It's whatever you fancy, really. Try and discover your playstyle first before you properly jump into a build.
  6. NR is a good starter deck. Start playing all the Velen Merchants/inn keeps and win their cards; you'll eventually get a few decent NR ones or neutral special cards. Best advice I can give you is to get as many spy cards, medics and decoys as you can in your deck whilst also keeping your best unit cards. My leader is the same as the one you mention, and it's pretty good. Always make sure you have at least 2 weather cards in your deck though. I use the clear day one and torrential rain as standard. Biting frost is another which is necessary if you are playing Monster Decks or the Elves. If you're starting the Velen Gwent quest give me a shout.
  7. Game of the year edition or DLC Season Pass. Both around £20.
  8. First time around I got the bad ending. Was absolutely bealing and like you in the proper huff.
  9. So...a goal in every 4 games basically? Presuming that he played full matches in that 352 minutes.
  10. I've seen builds which are highly aimed around "infinite" toxicity and the benefits that brings with the right potions and abilities. Seems a bit meh to me.
  11. Current build I'm running with just now. Very combat and sign heavy; no alchemy at all really. Thinking about respecing though.
  12. Hold down or up on the D-pad to alternate between the 4 consumables.
  13. Probably the best whisky I've tried so well done for snagging it!
  14. https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/warning-lives-lost-amid-mental-health-unit-closure/ Apologies, but what's going on? Front line care for patients with mental health issues should be on an equal funding footing with every other major illness and disease. It seems mental health care is a very easy sector to just "cut", but do the individuals responsible not consider the greater impact? Scotland, and Tayside especially, requires significantly increased funding and support for their psychiatric services. Where the hell is the money going back to? The game's up the poley, really.
  15. Is the Tele slow on the uptake or did he not sign for that Turkish team?
  16. I don't think it'll be up to that sort of standard; unless I've missed some leap in graphics in portable hardware. Saying that Zelda looks pretty neat.
  17. Phoned up HMRC regarding my P45, only to be told that the NI number I have been using for years isn't actually mine. Even though I've applied for Student loans with it, used it with various employers throughout the years and various other avenues which have required my NI. Surely it would have been flagged up before now? Not really sure what this will entail. I've filled out the form to get a letter confirming my NI but I'm a bit pissed off it hasn't been highlighted until now.
  18. Alison by Slowdive is the best Shoegaze song ever.
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