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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Same really. I just nearly slipped in the bathroom in a codeine induced haze.
  2. Theresa May, nor any sane thinking politician would reject permission for another referendum.
  3. Had a very rough sleep. Only slightly tempered by the codeine I was given. I have two diazepam tablets that were given as a last resort kinda thing alongside the codeine. It's tempting.
  4. In a sick twist of fate, I've just left A&E with a reoccurrence of a torn trap muscle. Marshy must have a voodoo doll. Nae gym for me for a while.
  5. Brakes instant granule coffee. No milk or sugar. I'm a peasant.
  6. I'm speaking pish, I meant to say O'Hara instead of Duffy. I didn't get to sleep till 4 this morning, I'm blaming that.
  7. Issue is that our fullbacks are mince going forward, and not much better defending. Got no width in the team.
  8. 5312 Bain Defenders: Kerr, O'Dea, Gomis, Julen, Holt Deep Midfield of Hateley, Gowser and Ross O'Hara as a CAM, El Bak and Teisjje up front.
  9. Homemade scorcher of a curry. Was brilliant.
  10. I had a dream that he'd be offski soon. Spooky. [emoji849]
  11. Dedicate each day to a muscle group; take 2 days off per week from the gym, not in a row though. I usually do a Wednesday and Sunday as my off days. Start on the machines to get a feel for what your muscles can comfortably cope with, then once you feel you are ready, look online for a variety of free weight exercises. Pay close attention to tutorials on how to perform the free weight exercises, or ask a trainer or friend to show you how to do them.
  12. What are you trying to achieve? Cardio fitness? Muscle Gain?
  13. I should have known you'd twist that turn of phrase, you deviant.
  14. I used to do cardio before hitting the weights but I felt I was blowing my load and not hitting my full effort after the cardio. If it works for you then stick to it.
  15. As an aside, I've started using Creatine again after a couple of years off it. 2 days and I can already tell I've stuck a couple of pounds of water weight on, but I'm looking a bit better. Definitely helping with the tail end of those heavy rep sets.
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