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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Funny bugger. Believe it or not there's usually some pre/post-fresher week events at some Uni's. Hell, you even get Re-fresher weeks sometimes.
  2. I grew out of it in the first week of my freshers week, over 4 years ago now. It's fucking shite now.
  3. Any decent places in Inverness open on a Sunday for a drink and meal?
  4. Didn't get into my masters, which is a bit gutting. Don't really know what to do now.
  5. In my tiny staff kitchenette? That'd be a laugh. [emoji23]
  6. I work 7-12 then 5-11 most days. Out with those 5 hours I don't have much time to prep my food as much as I used to when I lived in Dundee and went to Uni. Take away the regular fives/11-a-side, my weight has went up although I'm probably not eating a lot. Just a more sedentary lifestyle. Joined the gym up at Dingwall yesterday, combined with this I'll hopefully just get back to standard.
  7. Main ingredients: Oats, Pea Protein, Brown Rice, Flaxseed, Coconut MCT’s, Sunflower. Vitamins are then made up of ingredients which are known for their nutrient and vitamin rich properties. We will see how it goes; I'm fit enough as it is, I'm just wanting to see what it's about. Got a weeks supply, aiming to replace 2 meals per day and have 1 "real" meal for dinner, most likely protein heavy. It's got pretty damn good reviews besides the one you've pointed out.
  8. As far as I'm aware Huel is completely different as it's nutritionally organic and complete I.e. It contains 100% of your nutrient needs.
  9. Starting on Huel tomorrow. Not as a total meal replacement but the idea behind it has me intrigued.
  10. That's tasty. Rees-Mogg is an absolute c**t.
  11. Got these as well as the adidas jeans I posted earlier. Both comfy as hell but these are something else in the comfort stake likes.
  12. Exactly. Any of the OF fans would destroy it; that, or some rabid, jakeball United fans would do the same.
  13. If so, what does it mean for Scotland then? We are inexplicably sovereign?
  14. Right, humour me here; The Claim of Right Act 1689, has it ever been repealed or superseded? If not, is that not bit of a constitutional headache for Westminster? I've found some articles referring to it, from both sides of the independence debate: http://wingsoverscotland.com/weekend-sovereignty-for-dummies/ https://www.theyworkforyou.com/sp/?id=2012-01-26.38.30 Does this have basis? Or is this another "freeman on the land" bit of nonsense?
  15. Got these to make a change from my adidas hoarding over the past few months. Will definitely need to clear out at least 7 pairs of trainers.
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