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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Exactly. The Tories love austerity but I didn't think it was that bad.
  2. The stroke recovery "ability" depends on which part of the brain the clot occurs; even then handedness has a very slight, if negligible effect on recovery. Universally the ability to recover from a stroke is way more apparent in young people, as their brain plasticity is at its peak compared to old cloggers in their 50s and 60s.
  3. Handedness only has a heritability value of about 20%, which leaves the other 80% to be made up of potential factors such has individual variation (what keeps humans surviving, basically), and also overall body/brain asymmetry. Everyone has a dominant overall side to their body, one that is better developed (this includes the brain). Nobody knows why the body develops like this however; an individual with a left-sided dominant body will most likely have a right-sided dominant brain hemisphere, and vice-versa. But to be concise, nae c**t has a real clue. We only know genetics plays a small role.
  4. Nope, not as simple as that. Only a quarter of children with two left handed parents will end up being left handed.
  5. Write and use scissors with my right hand, however I use a soup spoon with my left, and brush my teeth with my left. It's very rare to be completely one hand dominant, and people will fit into a spectrum of handedness usually. The Edinburgh Handedness Inventory will tell you all about your handedness.
  6. My postgrad application required an academic reference and a reference from either a professional that's related to the courses field of work, or someone from a voluntary organisation which is involved in the field of work. Would imagine if you need two for a graduate job, then those 2 sorts of referee would be your best bet.
  7. My work doesn't pay me to do sums. [emoji849] [emoji23]
  8. Nice day today. Lovely walk around Dingwall no less.
  9. There is! Apologies, bit shattered from work. [emoji23][emoji85]
  10. 4-1-3-1? Can't imagine that being popular since it's one man short. [emoji6] ETA: I'm a cock. [emoji849]
  11. If it were sold at the £25-30 mark it would have been better received I reckon.
  12. Hopefully it's free. I think the developers promised that the updates would be free of charge. Could be wrong though. I didn't buy it anyway, got it for my birthday. [emoji23]
  13. I'm going to say that it's quite good. I can definitely waste hours on end on it. Found a moon that was COVERED in gold, actual towers of gold that were pretty deep into the ground. Will post some pictures later of the beauty. Think people dislike the sheer lack of direction you get in regards to the game objective though. You can get through it quite quickly if you want though. Combat is limited. I've not really had to fight anyone at all. NPC interaction is sparse but it can be funny and surprising sometimes. Learning languages of various alien races is fun. One thing I'll commend it for greatly is its ability to make you absolutely gobsmacked at the scale and size of the planets and moons you go to. Got some cracking screenshots of lovely views. 8/10 for me. Hopefully with some DLC, it will realise it's original promise and potential.
  14. It was a rough scheme in Dundee when you're going out towards Forfar. Now it's pretty tame.
  15. Fintry isn't that bad either. I'll give you Douglas though, no redeeming features at all, and the houses are fucking awful.
  16. Get some new material c**t lips. You're from a universally recognised cesspit of humanity; you're the last person to pass judgment on anyone's place of residence. Also, learn to punctuate your posts as well, you fucking walloper.
  17. Dundee. Nae bather. Maybe back in the 60s and 70s. Only significantly iffy part is Whitfield, which even then isn't all THAT bad. Are you from Greenock?
  18. Don't think I'm worthy of a card this year. 22 must be the shittest birthday ever. [emoji23]
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