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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. 960 cup, Purplekangaroo beats XCTR94 by resignation. Just played shite, really. Blundered my Queen and it was futile from there on.
  2. Would love a peak Harkins and Griffiths back in the team, good times.
  3. Some folk, especially women, hover cause they are scared of toilet seats.
  4. Just today I had to “bin” a £165,000 anti-venom because the department that required it, told us to specifically order it in and package it appropriately no longer needed it. No returns on these sorts of things, went right into a waste bucket. The amount of money the pharmaceutical side of the NHS wastes is astronomical.
  5. Already Gone by Alvvays, buddy.
  6. Has the music section disappeared? Can’t see it on mobile.
  7. If you’re on EE I’m sure I can gift you data. Nvm have to be on the same account [emoji854]
  8. Alvvays releasing a new album in October. Shoegaze goodness from this single “Pharmacist”
  9. He will poopoo this bit of info as “convenient” no doubt, he’s stuck in the past.
  10. They are undergoing a “sex change” to reflect their gender. The results are obviously varied, but they do this to fortify their preferred gender.
  11. Literally nothing, but he knows that.
  12. People who hold such contemptible views deserved to be outed as the c***s that they are.
  13. Can the mods not empty folk for transphobia since it’s a hate crime?
  14. Transphobes in being obsessed with other folks genitals and reproductive systems shocker.
  15. So people born without wombs and ovaries…? Sexless?
  16. You said nothing about the ability to produce eggs, you were talking about lack of a womb. So, what about humans that are born sterile? Are they sexless? Can’t believe I’m actually talking to someone in 2022 who conflate sex and gender.
  17. I’ll keep this response in mind.
  18. One question about Swyer syndrome and your tail is between your legs; you won’t be missed.
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