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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Since the goal both teams have looked shite. Haaland has missed two sitters as well, doesn’t look like he fits in that squad.
  2. The entire works of Dundeebarry and the chronicles of Leigh Griffiths is the best thing that’s been posted on this site.
  3. Div B Mathematics beats XCTR94 by resignation. Blundered Queen early doors and went about chasing my arse for another 10 moves until I was -22 and already cornered. Well played by Mathematics, shite by me.
  4. I’ve went a bit daft so I now have the series S, X and a PS5 coming on the 27th. Got a gaming PC as well, and I’m desperate for a steam deck. Think I’m having a quarter life crisis.
  5. Div B XCTR94 beats pleslie99 by checkmate. Good game of chess, solid up until the midgame where pleslie tried to overload a file with rooks but ended up exposing his backline because of this. Ended up slowly picking him off and ended up reveal checking his king and getting his Queen as a result. Queen/Bishop mate followed not long after. Best I’ve played in a while I thought! Thanks for the game!
  6. Top way to go. Syringe driver of dia, oxy and regular morphine would be fantastic. Fully on board of the NHS contribute or die model.
  7. Floored with it. Thought I had pneumonia. Had to get an OOH appointment at 1am this morning as 111 said they had to rule out other things. Feel awful. Double vaccinated.
  8. Any potential taxes for not having children will be getting dodged by myself and my partner through any means possible, what a ridiculous idea. We don’t want kids because we want to not spend the most productive years of our lives (socially, financially, generally) tied down. Earth doesn’t need anymore humans, can’t wait for it all to be over.
  9. @shandonpar ETA: no idea it wasn’t the picture I was replying to. Sure Shand would give you a help.
  10. Seen some American right wing nutjobs saying the delay was down to too much regulation and procedure regarding the usage of AR’s. They are beyond saving.
  11. Yup, prevented me doing anything with my advanced pawn and when your knight forked my rook and king it was game over. No idea why I moved my rook that far along. Well played, was a good game up until that shitshow.
  12. I’ve tried “peeling” those bits of “lorne” off each other from the packet and they just fucking crumble. f**k knows what they do to them.
  13. Shat it in both my div B games, resigned against Spur and Gkneil. Utter disaster chess games.
  14. There’s a good movie where chips implanted in bodies use your lifespan as currency as opposed to money. Obviously there’s no setbacks to this notion whatsoever.
  15. Julian is off the wagon after being alcohol free for years, loads of stories of him being terrible for the last few strokes gigs; it’s a shame because they can be one of the best live bands.
  16. I’ve woken up completely deaf in my left ear. Only 27, fucking shambolic. I’m devastated. Waiting on the doctor just now. It’s not ear wax or anything like that so terrified what it could be. My left ear has been declining for months now but just suddenly it’s fucking useless.
  17. Picture made me cry. It’s beautiful.
  18. 20 kilos of cocaine. Just pop round to the Spar at Balgay, you’ll see it at the roundabout.
  19. Daft c**t of a postie has left an expensive parcel on my doortstep, instead of the clearly designated safe place to put my mail if me or my partner aren’t in. Even took a photo of it and put that as “proof of delivery”. Phoned them up and told them if it’s not there when I’m home from work a claim and a complaint is coming there way. Even if it is there I’ll be doing the same thing; f**k them.
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