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Everything posted by milton75

  1. It's a really horrible situation. I've previously also thought "never again", but eventually I came to the conclusion that I don't really want to live in a house that doesn't have a couple of cats knocking about in it.
  2. Everything I've tried in the Andechs range has been excellent.
  3. ^^^ Hunting for 13-year-old cosplay upskirt photos type post imo
  4. Whenever I find a spider I carefully put it out, specifically to avoid the bloodshed above. Our cats find spiders fascinating, sadly.
  5. Great stuff. I'm looking forward to this one the most I think. Personally I wouldn't have done Luke Cage and Iron Fist separately, I'd have done one Heroes for Hire series. That way if they wanted a 4th New York "streets" Marvel series they could have done Master of Kung Fu or Misty Knight / Palladin
  6. I always hoped they'd actually go somewhere with the wee comics on the back of Space Raiders.
  7. I'm annoyed that Monster Munch have the audacity, the sheer brass neck, to advertise packs as being big & old school. If they really wanted to be old school, they'd bring back the other shapes of Monster Munch. And get the bacon ones back while you're at it, ya fuds.
  8. All that said... I quite like the Walkers Max Paprika ridged crisps.
  9. I prefer Golden Wonder for both, I'm afraid. In fact, I think I prefer Golden Wonder for nearly all of them. Walkers crisps are pale and uniform in texture. Golden Wonder crisps are flaky and pleasingly coloured. Walkers Prawn Cocktail are an abomination.
  10. I like these beasts by KP: The Beef once are decent too, although you do run the risk of piercing the roof of your mouth with them.
  11. Sigh. I was lurking on a book I wanted on ebay and forgot the close time for bidding. It went for £3.99 with free delivery. Bit depressed.
  12. I used to go out with a girl from Newport (the one opposite Dundee, not the Welsh shithole). Her entire family pronounced Pork "Pohhrk". They also pronounced Oven "Ohh-ven". In both cases the Ohh bit being the same noise as the A at the beginning of "alright". I have no idea if this was particular to their family or a wider problem (of which there are many) related to North East Fife, but needless to say I was forced to end the relationship and kick her, her sister, and her mother all in the pies.
  13. I like that it's on. It means I can tell if someone's a dipshit if I hear them mention it in work without the palaver of getting to know them.
  14. Going back to the OP, I was also a big Death's Head fan and loved The Transformers comic he appeared in. Which is my roundabout way of getting to saying look at what I just got:
  15. I don't want to know what you do to your kids behind closed doors, Fritzl.
  16. Aye, they do look lovely, that's for sure. When the hell is Gaiman getting round to completing Miracleman?
  17. Heard this was good. Got my brother in law the first couple of trades recently. They'd been on his "get round to reading" list anyway, so that was good.Still not managed to read myself, behind on so many. ..
  18. Ooft, they are nice. I couldn't justify getting them, as I have the trades already, but would love them. Not sure what my most extravagant book is... I tend to try and grab bargains as best as possible. I have the Graphitti designs version of Watchmen from the 80s, which is pretty nice.
  19. She was going there anyway as the wheel nuts had been over-torqued on by their apes already. As a result they needed to be removed and replaced (by chisel in one case). So the fiver extra it was there for the pollen filter wasn't a primary concern.
  20. The bird took her car to Arnold Clark on Glasgow's South Street on Friday to have the pollen filter replaced. They've managed to disconnect the indicators in the process. Tried and failed to get someone to sort it yesterday. They really are useless b*****ds.
  21. Loved Scream. I was given hand me down copies by an older mate. Great comic. I've got a slightly ridiculous graphic novel collection. The bird says I have to stop buying them...
  22. Anyone with half an eye for aesthetics won't be staring at bogroll for long.You want poopy walls. BEAST.
  23. Possibly, but there's no need to actively arrange matters to increase the chances, is there? There's a chance you touch poo when opening your car door. There's a greater chance you touch poo when fisting someone's bottom (a child's bottom, if Alignment A supporters have their way). Everything in between is shades of likeliness, and it is only utter deviants that seek to increase the likeliness as above.
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