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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. No-one has the gig. I spoke to three of the directors last weekend and they' were waiting until the various elections were completed and final composition of the board was decided. TBH, I don't think anyone wants to be called "chairman". I know two of them certainly don't want it.
  2. Williamson, Lemon and Weekes signed one year deals according to the website on the days they were signed.
  3. At the last AGM, Jamie Swinney said he had 10 permanent staff supported by 35 volunteers. I know who the ten folk are - or nine now as one left. When the club advertised her job (Finance person) they took some stick on social media, with one arsehole thinking that having an employee to do such trivial tasks as pay invoices and manage the payroll constituted a "gravy train". Somebody else posted an inaccurate theory on P&B about why the lady left. For those reason I'm wary of going into any details, except to say that most are on part-time hours, (one guy is ten hours a week), are fans themselves and do more than they get paid for. I think we should leave the backroom staff in peace to get on with it. People like groundsmen, retail, finance etc shouldn't really have their value discussed on a public forum IMO. (I realise you likely wouldn't not do that but it would get down to that level eventually)
  4. The 5-1 win? I was at it. I'm not sure what's happening in terms of age groups, but from what I could see most of the players in that game came from last years Under 18s, which IMO were the weaker of the two groups.
  5. Sorry, but I strongly disagree with this. I saw a lot of the U16s and U18s last season and the younger group in particular were excellent. Ian Fergus was very keen for his kids to get publicity so every game was announced on the website. Folk were turning up to watch them and virtually every report I read from fans on the facebook pages were raving about them.
  6. The U16s and U18s are still in existence but the U12s are indeed coming to an end.
  7. The clue is in the letters FCSL. This job is with the stadium company and whoever gets it will be working for the Council not FFC.
  8. There are no such clauses. The question was asked at the FSS meeting in Elliots last week and one of the directors confirmed it. Interestingly , Rennie said that in his experience once you tell a player that he's not wanted and will be sitting in the stand every week for a year or two, many of them choose to move on for the sake of their careers. How many of the current squad would do that obviously remains to be seen. I'd speculate that those most likely to dig their heels in would be older players who's careers are coming to an end. Of those under contract for next season and beyond, almost all of them are in their early or mid twenties.
  9. Players don't get told they're not wanted until AFTER they've played their last game. Not with five games to go. Or at least that's the way it's been done by the last half dozen Falkirk managers. I know because I've frequently been down at the club on the day the players were told and spoke to them afterwards when they came in to say goodbye.
  10. For me the most interesting question of the night was the final one - are the BOD expecting us to go at least partially part-time next season? The answer was no. While obviously it would depend on things like income, investment etc, the clear answer from Nigel Serafini was that we planned to remain a completely fulltime club next season. Or at least that was my take on his response.
  11. I saw it. You beat me to the post by about 20 seconds. The law of averages says you had to beat me at something eventually....
  12. Honestly don't know. He's still there, because I walked past him in the corridor recently but I haven't paid any attention to his absence. Though checking back on the last couple of closed-door games I notice that Luke Holt got gametime and he didn't, so an injury seems likely.
  13. Close, but not completely accurate. Paddy Martin and Aidan Nesbitt are also under contract for next season. Cammy Williamson isn't.
  14. Yes, I went there for a couple of Falkirk Womens matches in 2018. The first team played a closed-door friendly there in July 2015 which 60s Bairn was probably at.
  15. I missed that one due to work , which was unusual for me as I love pre-season away games.
  16. As the Ancient One correctly advised, we've played at Annan once in that cup semi final. I've been to Elgin twice for presason games. Once in 1984, when as a drunken teenager I went up in the train, got pished and slept in some random's back garden. I was also there in 1996 as part of a camping / hillwalking holiday. We won both games. The first team have never played at Kelty Hearts but the Under 19s played a match there one season when Dunfermline were using it for youth games. You can clearly see the Kelty logos on the stand behind Scott Shepherd.
  17. Only if you have full control of the budget. Our next manager won't, as 13 players (likely more than half the squad) are tied up and probably can't be released without spending more money to buy them out. Virtually everyone who arrived last summer got at least a two year deal. The only exceptions were the three young lads who signed from the fledgling development squad and Ompreon. From the gametime they've been given, it could be assumed that Rennie would like to jettison virtually all those signings from last summer. After all, only McGuffie & Williamson have been first picks under him. Judging by the recent BOD statement, next season will see us on a reduced budget. The manager will likely have less than half of it to spend, with the remainder tied up in players he (speculation) probably doesn't want. His job is nowhere near as easy as you repeatedly make it out to be.
  18. The picture in the FFCTV banner is the goal. I know because I took it. This is it cropped tighter & sharpened a little. You can clearly see Gomis making contact with the ball. I couldn't see the flight of the ball afterwards because the players were in the way, but from the FFCTV replay the only person who could have touched it after Gomis was your number 18. He may have knocked it into the net from about a yard out, but it was going in anyway so for me it's a Gomis OG.
  19. He looked fine to me. And even if he were overweight, Richard Cadette had a big arse and Latapy obviously wasn't the fittest. Mental sharpness, quick feet and the ability to make the ball dance to your tune are a hundred times more important than being fit enough to run all day.
  20. I wouldn't claim to be a football expert, but Sam McGivern was raving about him for several days after the Dunfermline match, and I'd say Sammy knows a thing or two about the game. There were a few times when Wilson went charging forward leaving Fifers lying on the turf behind him.
  21. I'm sure he wasn't being arsey. I didn't see that interview live but I've watched all the away ones from about five feet away and he actually has a very friendly relationship with Stuart and Lewis. Partly caused I think by one of them being at school with his brother so they've known each other for a long time. I took his answer as being a standard deflection that managers usually employ when it comes to injuries.
  22. We don't know what clauses are in players contract if for example we don't get promoted. There may be several or none. However, we do know how long they all signed up for when they joined. And we have thirteen players under contract for next season. For that reason your assumption of only 3-5 remaining is highly unlikely. Those under contract for next year only are Nesbitt, McGuffie, Ross, Hetherington, Holt, Martin, Sneddon, Watson, Williamson (Ryan) and Wilson. Morrison, McKay and McCann are here for a further year beyond that.
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