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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. Game was closed-door so club didn't want any publicity or comment. It's for the manager to discuss (or not if he wishes) at either the weekly press conference or FFCTV interview. I presume there will be one up before the Morton game.
  2. Like many young men (and women) I snap around that age he has a brace so probably doesn't like smiling for the camera.
  3. Not for me. I've been watching him for around a year and in my (admitttedly inexpert) opinion he's a cracking player. He's easily the pick of the bunch that Ian Fergus signed and has as much potential at his age that Kingsley and Fulton had. Seriously. An There's no guarantees of course. He might not develop as expected, he might not apply himself, he might be unlucky with injuries. Young players are always a gamble. One poster on here who has football connections messaged me some time back to ask about him, saying that all the big clubs were keeping an eye on him. I found out that was true at one game when a guy asked me for teamlines and it turned out he was a Man Utd scout there to see Carroll. I rate the guy very highly and would have been raging if we hadn't signed him. Now he has his chance and it's up to him to prove he's worth it.
  4. Nesbitt with the first, OG for the second (assist Jaime Wilson) and Morrison for the third. Don't want to comment on trialists as it was closed-door so there will be no match report on FFC sites. Utd as hosts are entitled to brief whatever journos they want but FFC didn't invite any.
  5. True. I forgot about him as I was looking at the stats for pre-season but he arrived in February 2013 so it was just as long ago as the others. We haven't had much luck with trialist finds for a very long time.
  6. The last time we signed a trialist who turned out well was Lee Miller in 2015. Before him probably Rory Loy in 2013 or Lyle Taylor and Luke Leahy in 2012. If you're sniffing about our cast-offs you're in trouble.
  7. Ineos sponsored the U12s free scheme in 18/19 & 19/20. I suspect that came to an end when COVID arrived as the club haven't publicised anything about it since. Would presumably be up to the new commercial team if they wanted to try and resurrect that deal or get similar sponsorship elsewhere.
  8. Your hypothesis is correct. I just spoke to B who confirmed it. The numbers on the back of the shirts for the season will be white.
  9. I thought that was strange too so I asked the question. He's registered on a player extranet system as being under contract for a wee while yet whereas the others aren't. I don't know anything about youth player contracts so possibly they'll reregister once they start playing again. The youth leagues are on some sort of break at the moment. I recognised five of the U18s last night, with two of them, Pearse Carroll & Scott Honeyman, coming on in the last ten minutes. I'm guessing we'll see more of the U18s and the other trialists when we play weaker opposition on Tuesday.
  10. Here's a better image of the Falkirk kit than that screengrab from the video.
  11. No, I think it's meant to be next week. They've split the launch this year based on advice from Greaves sports.
  12. No. This idea keeps cropping up, but to my knowledge the club have never unveiled a signing that way and I don't think they ever will. A signing is a big story. They get loads of hits, likes, comments and people interacting with them on social media. Every time they do one their profile and popularity goes into orbit. A strip release has a similar impact. If they combined the two events they wouldn't get double the hits because there are only so many Falkirk fans in the world that would respond. So it's better for them to keep big stories for different days. Besides which, AFAIK there are no signings imminent and there certainly aren't any stories being held back for the kit launch.
  13. As I'm not into guys I don't think either are sexy, so I can't really comment.
  14. The main kit pics and video were done earlier in the week. I've no immediate plans to visit TFS other than getting one final shot of the KM7 branding on the glass panels of the South stand, which should be going up this morning.
  15. 2300 was the final tally. I suspect we won't be far from that figure again, though the cost of living crisis will have an impact. Last year we still had Gary Holt in the building, nobody knew when full crowds would return after covid and Sheerin was an unknown. The board weren't fully hated yet as the Q&A hadn't happened but they weren't universally loved either, despite the efforts of Batatabairn. We now have a popular board, no bogeymen hanging around and a manager who's well regarded and whose signings look promising.
  16. Nope. If anyone was in for a medical they would have signed and then been snapped immediately afterwards so that the story could be released ASAP before it got leaked. It's very rare for the club to sit on news of signings if all the paperwork is concluded.
  17. It was just the initial fitness testing yesterday and for a couple of reason JM didn't want it covered. I'll be there tomorrow and there will be something online afterwards.
  18. Photocall and video shoot planned for this midweek. Not sure when it will be released but Id guess towards the end of the week.
  19. Had a few beers to chill out after a busy day, so I might get shot down for this. But I can't help wondering if the legs could be Seb Ross? He got very little gametime last year with only six starts, but in terms of doing the donkey work such as running about and putting in tackles I thought he was decent. He's already on the books so is at least worth looking at in the preseason games if not the cup ties.
  20. I can't comment on other surfaces as I have no idea how they compare with ours, though I imagine newer ones will be better. As for replacing it, I would make three observations. Firstly is that the players hate it. There were reports from multiple people who spoke to last years playing squad at the Gala Awards, and in general the players were derided for complaining about how bad it was, given how bad they were too. But maybe they had a point? Secondly is the medical staff. I had multiple conversations with one who used to work with us and had compiled detailed statistics of all the injuries he'd treated which he attributed to the pitch. He was ordered not to discuss it with anyone by a former CEO. Thirdly is the injuries over the last two years, particularly late in the season. It doesn't take much research to see how many players we've been missing as the seasons drew to a close. If McGlynn thinks it'll benefit the players to train on grass rather than the stadium astro, then surely the club should try and make it happen?
  21. We finished second in the Championship in 16/17. That was five seasons ago. If the claim that the pitch was meant to last seven seasons is accurate, then it's LONG overdue replacement, which is why I was surprised to hear it said at the meeting that we might even use it next season. By the end of the coming season it'll be ten years old. (laid in the summer of 2013)
  22. They have a strict age limit in the Carronade which would probably debar you. Nobody gets in unless they're over 75.
  23. Quality costs money, and the better ones tend to become available at the last minute when their other options fall through. In recent years, Zak Rudden was our eighteenth summer signing in 2018 and he arrived in the last two hours of the August transfer window. Declan McManus signed when our League Cup campaign had already started. If you want a comparison with late / early signings, Dennon Lewis signed on the 17th of May. I'd prefer we took our time to get the right players in. Act in haste, repent at leisure....
  24. Not sure about now, but he didn't have five years ago during preseason in Budapest.
  25. It's a lot harder than it was when new, causing more jarring on the body when you run on it.
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