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Posts posted by Fratelli

  1. Le Tissier's descent from 'this covid coverage is a bit much' to parroting US right wing, Fox News/Qanon talking points has been fascinating. The fact that he now spends his days ranting online about Biden's laptop - a story that no one is arsed about over here, or even aware of -  without realising that he's maybe went off the deep end is as mental as it is funny. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, AJF said:

    I’m convinced Gordon closes his eyes when he kicks the ball.

    Some keeper though.

    There's a massive 'get this fucking hing away from me' vibe every time it goes back to him. I get flashbacks to Rodgers trying to make him play like Ederson for us in the Champions League.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

    He seems happier here.

    Watched that when it first came out and remember feeling really chuffed about the fact that he seemed to be in a good place and relatively content. That version of All i Want For Me is You is a bit special, one of the best songs he wrote which ended up somewhat hidden as an album track on the Owl John project. 

    There are a few interviews towards the end of his life which are difficult to watch now. There's a Google Q&A from March 2018 where he seems quite visibly anxious, and clearly isn't enjoying himself. There are also a few clips from a solo show in Bristol around a fortnight before his death where something feels a bit off with him. Heartbreaking to watch now with hindsight.

  4. Very much enjoying the fact that we are now genuinely capable of popping it about and keeping the ball. Playing our normal starting 11 was the right call here, we seem to be improving every time these players play together.

    Have the Wales game on now which is a bit nervy, although if Dan James wasn't absolutely terrible Wales would be out of sight. 


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