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Posts posted by Fratelli

  1. 12 minutes ago, Detournement said:

    It was obvious from social media that fake tickets were going to be rife. Are the police supposed to just let folk in with them?

    It's the exact same thing as the Euros final at Wembley. 

    From multiple reports, the ticket fiasco is only a tiny part of it and it's been a complete shambles all day - even in press areas. I don't find it too hard to believe given what happened in Seville last week and at loads of games during the Euros. UEFA events are horrendously managed. There was also bother with similar queues at the SDF for the six nations this year. The videos of the police spraying folk who evidently have tickets - including kids who look about 7 indicate the police have completely lost control of it, as opposed to just stopping chancers from jumping the fence. 

  2. Horrific stuff but in reality a depressingly normal thing to see on the news at this point. That country is too far gone, that warped sense of masculinity and paranoia is woven into their society and can’t just be turned off.

    it’s a small point - but after seeing the CCTV - how was he able to just wander into the school? You can’t just walk into a primary school here - at the one I went to 20 years ago the main doors wouldn’t open from the outside and you had to be buzzed in - I believe this was a UK wide thing introduced after Dunblane. Amazed if it isn’t the same in the US.

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