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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Pleslie99 loses to thekid1433 by checkmate. well and truly slapped about, played for a stalemate but alas wasn’t to be. Well played.
  2. I assume, going by u-18s fixtures last season, who they have taken over from, it will be East End park. Don’t quote me on that tho as I’m not sure if that gets used on a Friday night already. Vale play at Argyll so won’t be there and can’t imagine one of the schools opening on a Friday to accommodate them so seems the only logical place tbh.
  3. Heard a rumour today that EK may be signing one of our ex strikers. A certain Mr R. Loy!
  4. The problem is, during the summer while everyone else was doing loads of work on their pitches to get them ready for the new season, our lazy ass groundsman sat on his arse not even cutting the grass!
  5. Well played. I thought I had a good idea with my queen………
  6. He’s currently given me a battering in the cup, thought I started so well too
  7. Bit Harsh. Andy’s a great guy and has volunteered for years taking brilliant pictures and getting nothing in return. You hide behind your wee anonymous user name getting a wee chubby at someone resigning from a voluntary post. Weirdo!
  8. Cheers, I think your doing yourself a disservice there, was pretty close and I thought my knight sacrifice to open your king was a nice move although the analysis didn’t like it much but that’s what started my attack which was pretty relentless. Thanks for the game, enjoyed it.
  9. Not sure if it’s been reported but I lost to Kendeans by resignation
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