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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Pleslie999 beats n5_spur by checkmate. good game, thought I had thrown it away at one point, especially when I thought a piece was defended forgetting my pawns couldn’t capture backwards .
  2. If he gets the tactics wrong with the same result every week then I think we will all be pretty happy
  3. Pleslie999 beats dustysghost by checkmate fairly even game and I was struggling to find a way through, but the queen blunder was unfortunate and after that it was a matter of time with your king so exposed thanks for the game, look forward to the return leg.
  4. Pleslie999 beats dieharddoonhamer by resignation pleslie999 beats pnbmathematics by checkmate cheers for the games guys
  5. Pleslie999 beats markf268 by resignation close game, I thought the resignation was a bit premature, I was in a good position but was a good bit away from ending it. Well played.
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