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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. The IFAB handbook is free to download on App Store and iOS but tbh, trying to get your head round the handball laws is not fun, hence why we get about 34821 shouts for handball every week
  2. It’s not a handball if it hits his hand as he’s falling and his hands are out to break his fall, therefore there is no offence committed and advantage can continue. If the ref deemed it an offence he would’ve pulled it back for the original foul.
  3. He’s probably sailed away into the wind
  4. Agreed our board have allowed this to happen. I know why they are doing it but it’s a brass neck and one our club should be clamping down on. We also shouldn’t be endorsing it by retweeting it but more so condemning it publicly and putting them in their place! Our MP for the area tweeted out his endorsement of it but hastily took it down with an apology once I pointed it out to him how ridiculous it was.
  5. https://x.com/broomhillfc/status/1692153787157205265?s=46&t=gnB8MdMgPCtBNp5pbrOmFg these p***ks are having a laugh…..
  6. https://x.com/broomhillfc/status/1692097756679016568?s=46&t=gnB8MdMgPCtBNp5pbrOmFg bit pissed off we are promoting this. Their lack of fans is their problem, not ours! I’m sure their rental agreement doesn’t change with the number of fans thru the door!
  7. With Castlemilk and not Lesmahagow folding, it means there will be no relegation from top flight in Scottish premier. Means a lot of meaningless games already as really it’s a 2 horse race now between St Pats and Bannockburn.
  8. It’s not a Dumbarton area problem that teams can’t get Astro for games midweek. It’s across every council area. They are block booked for training let’s which brings in more money than a full pitch let so it’s a no brainier for the owners of said pitches. Are we naive enough to think building a plastic pitch at the rock is going to solve the availability problems? We will 100% prioritise midweek training lets over games too as it brings in more money! it’s easy to say there is a lack of facilities, but it’s not as straightforward as it looks! I’m not against a plastic pitch, just playing devils advocate for the ‘easy’ excuses for us to lay one!
  9. In Dumbarton and the vale there are 4 main ones, East End and Argyll are the 2 most used but also OLSP and VOL academy pitches which are not used as often as they could be and regularly sit empty. A 4G pitch is a good source of income but it won’t be used as often as folk think. 6-10 midweek for training lets is realistically all we would get minus what would be taken up by us/Broomhill! Saturdays would be taken up by us and Broomhill again. That’s going to take a long time to repay the initial outlay! It also has a lifespan dependent on how often it’s used, over use it and it gets very worn - see Kilmarnock/Hamilton for example. Iv seen some shockers over the years!
  10. It’s 100% down to cost and not down to availability. We are going to be charging for the use of our park I assume so if teams can get free use of grass they will. There isn’t a ‘lack’ of facilities in the area but the cost is the biggest factor. There isn’t teams struggling to get use of the pitches we already have….
  11. Paul, with all due respect everyone is sceptical because we have seen this all before. I appreciate you coming on and trying to explain yourself but as someone said above, we will believe it when we see it, words only go so far. You asked in a reply to my earlier post “show me where to make money in a L2 club?”. And that there is exactly why I’m reserving my judgment and remaining sceptical. You and your company have invested ‘not an insignificant amount’ into the club apparently but expect no return. Why? I’m not exactly clued up on boardrooms but you getting a junior position I assume means you won’t be making any major decisions? The last guy that came in and promised us milk and honey, sailed off into the sunset without so much as leaving us a Norwegian wonder kid. Now you’re here telling us we’re going to be a FT championship club……. If you’re serious about this explain what’s going to be different! Due diligence must’ve been completed therefore you can see we are skint, we are a million miles away from FT football. What makes Dumbarton a more attractive proposition than one of the other L2 clubs that are actively ambitious and have structures in place to succeed, or indeed a LL or WOS team? Absolutely nothing to do with the land our ground sits on I’m sure…….
  12. Forgive us, but until you prove you are not another charlatan wanting a quick buck I for one will be holding you in the same contempt as the rest of our useless board! Feel free to prove me wrong.
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