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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Well played, got myself tied up in knots and realised there wasn’t an escape for my king. I’m not having a great season…..
  2. Can only assume this is a minor admin issue due to the OG circus moving on. Wouldn’t bode well for us, popping in, ruining our perfectly manicured lawn and not paying for the privelidge. Would be prime DFC tbh.
  3. Rbwatson beats pleslie999 by checkmate not blundered mate in 1 in a while so why not do it now! My opponent offered a draw too but I thought I could’ve seen the match over the line if I could avoid perpetual check, stupid blunder cost me in the end. Well played sir!
  4. Sorry but think your letting your animosity towards the current situation at the club get in the way here. Young Sons membership at £20 last year was a steal, take away everything else and that’s about £1 per game, an outstanding deal to get kids through the door. They also got a goodie bag for signing up, a birthday card, a Christmas card, an invite to the Xmas party, which Stevie, Frank and a few players attended and mingled with the kids. There was also the opportunity to be a ball boy/girl or mascot if it was requested. If you or your kids chose not to attend the party or become mascot/ball kid then that’s your choice. Can’t really blame the club for that. I can’t recall if there was a promise of a session on the pitch with Stevie but regardless, £20 for the above is excellent and got many of the local youngsters hooked.
  5. Don’t mean to sound pedantic but BSC and Broomhill are 2 totally different clubs. This is why we have ended up here….. BSC Glasgow as they are known and Broomhill used to be the same club, they played out of Alloa for years. Then they split and BSC basically became a new club, setting up roots at Peterson Park in Yoker, starting afresh in WOS division 4 (bottom of the pyramid) Broomhill retained the original clubs membership and dropped the BSC part of the name. They jumped into bed with the Si Ferry circus that was Open Goal (renamed etc etc) and played out of broadwood with the hope of a fan base in Cumbernauld. That experiment bombed after 1 season and now they are back to being Broomhill and homeless! A completely pointless club who will bring 0 fans to Dumbarton. As has been pointed out already the Vale is a well run club in the local community. St Pats next year are likely to be in WOS division 4 (which they are likely to win) and will have a decent enough fan base. None of the folk supporting these clubs are going to jump ship to watch Broomhill play against B teams!
  6. St pats have a greater Glasgow team that I hear will be taking their spot in central (or whatever it’s called now)
  7. Was he not our top scorer (or thereabouts) from CB?
  8. Buchy was undoubtedly one of our higher earners last season. There’s no guarantee we would be offering more/same to stay, can’t blame him and good luck to him. Hopefully he moved up a division as he is good enough and deserves it. Would be disappointed to see him rock up at stenny/Clyde etc
  9. Thanks, good game, enjoyed it, all the best to you, see u in the return match
  10. I’m pretty sure It was mate in 2 or 3, your Bishop had my king stuck in a corner so a check off your rock was devastating. I was never going to get to the back rank to worry you. in other news another defeat, this time to the_kid1433. Another one I was never in, analysis shows I only made 1 blunder, however my opponent played a pretty flawless game. Well played!
  11. Alan Lithgow is away to St Cadocs (another WOS team with a few quid to throw about) if we are hunting around a release list from EK we are in a whole heap of trouble!
  12. The conference league proposition is mental. I genuinely can’t see the benefit to anyone (barring the big ugly sisters) and can’t believe any spfl club from championship down would vote in favour of this! No amount of money would make that and attractive proposition and I’d be hoping DFC would be laying their cards on the table and publicly voicing their opposition.
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