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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. Not too bad considering that Scotland just received the most blatantly one-sided onslaught from the MSM and corporate Britain. Now it's time to debunk the nonsense and get that momentum going again.
  2. UDI, maybe not. Mass exodus. Aye, fine by me.
  3. Absolutely scunnered the Borders is leaning that way. Still, not surprised. The number of stuck-up country bumpkins is shocking. I did enjoy sabotaging their fox hunts back in the day though.
  4. Showing soldiers running across no-man's land is hardly a good advert for the British establishment.
  5. Reading that post gave me one hell of a homesick moment.
  6. Possibly because Glasgow will be in an iScotland and Berwick won't. I used to have a grand view of the Eildon hills but it doesn't make them partly mine.
  7. I totally agree, but that's my point. When three of the main parties in Holyrood are taking their direction from Westminster then something just doesn't add up. I'd respect the BT camp a lot more if they ran their own show, but they don't.
  8. I'd also like to hear what the other parties have in mind for an independent Scotland. Fat chance of their Westminster bosses allowing that.
  9. That's pretty much how it looks from the other side of the Atlantic. The union is not a very attractive option.
  10. Just as well the referendum isn't about your personal wishes. For the vast majority of people, the referendum is a serious and life changing event. The fact that you find it to be a mere distraction is fucking disgraceful and to be honest, you would probably be happier going back to making macaroni pictures.
  11. Hah. You've just made me realize that Westminster is actually good for at least one thing.
  12. Nobody here cares enough about the UK to take any notice.
  13. Jesus, every time I see a Union Jack the St. George's cross is that wee bit thicker.
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