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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. You might have lived in Scotland but you weren't born there. And saying you moved because of religious bigotry is asinine and totally made up.
  2. This is quite common. Hospitals will charge a boatload for OTC medicines knowing that the insurance company will have to pick up the tab.
  3. It's amazing how easy compulsive lying is to Tories. Blows my mind how people want to go through life being like that.
  4. Then don't be a fucking arse. You came on here to troll and no other reason.
  5. I hate how the Borders votes Tory. Embarrassing stuff. The SNP have come a long way over the last 10 years but still, those bootlicking farmers are the ultimate cringe.
  6. Nah, it's just the Tory voters that are c***s. It all flies over your head, dude.
  7. Voting Tory is making a statement that you abandon all morals and empathy. Vermin. The lot of them.
  8. Voting Conservative is encouraging Johnson and his chums. Anyone who votes for that has no morals whatsoever. Because I said so.
  9. Nah, I'd never vote SNP if they had someone like Johnson as their leader. I'm being totally serious. Morals are important to some people.
  10. Voting Conservative is supporting Johnson. No amount of mental gymnastics will change that fact.
  11. Malky's sister following the family tradition of making stuff up.
  12. Tarmo Kink has been thoroughly unionized. He's Westminster's dream.
  13. How is it against its will? Are you actually asking that?
  14. Just because Westminster says so, and you agree with them, doesn't make it democratic at all. Scotland is being pulled out of the EU against its will because of another nation's decision. It's anything but democratic. We are talking about the future of a nation and it's not looking good.
  15. Yes, it appears he does have a Confederate flag on his Avi. Up there with face blackening imo. Confederate flags are becoming increasingly taboo in the States. Bit shocked to see someone on here use one. Must be a tory thing.
  16. Since you walk around with your nose up Mr. Gammon's ass, there's only one thing you can smell.
  17. Imagine actually posting something like that with a smiley. What a fucking cringe-inducing moron.
  18. Even when he's on ignore, he pollutes every thread he touches.
  19. Malky is a disturbed individual. I guess when lying becomes easy it feels normal.
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