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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. Hard to believe that someone who had a confederate flag as their avatar is ranting about nationalism. f**k me.
  2. Trump will win a second term. I would love to be wrong but there's just too many people who idolize him and everything he does.
  3. Actually I agree somewhat. I think the polls need to stay firmly on Yes from this point onward. Any deviation is a big step backwards. I can still state my opinion though.
  4. You said Just because somebody doesn’t agree with your pro-indy views, doesn’t mean they are sub-human scum like you try to portray. It’s beyond embarrassing. Yes, it's beyond embarrassing.
  5. You said I was literally calling unionists sub-human scum when I did no such thing. By the way, the 'lies' you're referring to wasn't about you or to you, except for the last sentence. Which was valid given the circumstances.
  6. The unionist policy now is to condition us to accept that there won't be another referendum no matter what the polling shows. It doesn't matter how many people vote SNP, somehow it's got nothing to do with indyref. Then they go on about democracy and delivering what people really want, which I'm sure will be a hard Brexit. And somehow this will be interpreted as me calling them sub-human scum.
  7. Spare me your garbage. Your reputation on here is justified.
  8. Sub human scum? Really? f**k off with the drama queen stuff please.
  9. This is something I've noticed in the 20 years since I left Scotland. It always used to be that Scots were quite proud of our little nation but now it's filled with people who constantly put it down. Even people who despise the tories have this mentality that anything is better than Scots being in charge of Scotland. It's beyond pathetic. Whenever anything positive was said about Scotland, Malky was in there, scrambling to put Scotland back in its box. He was the poster child for this type unionism and the others on here are pretty much clones of him.
  10. Scotland needs some vocal European allies. Not just sympathetic comments but something more distinct.
  11. And there we have it. You could have just said that at the start. Explains everything.
  12. You're making a huge assumption that Brexit will just go unnoticed and won't have an affect on people's lives.
  13. I can only see the swing for yes getting even bigger as time goes by. That might change if the SNP do something monumentally bad for Scotland or Westminster does something monumentally good for Scotland. Neither of these is very likely.
  14. That was painful. They talk about Scotland like we're just some kind of novelty item.
  15. It's a shame that unionists come on here with the same old stuff. They are utterly incapable of presenting a decent argument.
  16. Malky doesn't realize that the vacuum in his head is supposed to house a brain. What an embarrassment of a person.
  17. The union is all about England gets what it wants nowadays. Most English nationalists don't even realize they are raging nationalists. There's a few of them in this forum, except they are actually Scots-born English nationalists. Tragic stuff.
  18. I once had a discussion at work with a young earther. They told me that if I could disprove the great flood, they would accept that the earth is ancient. I slowly explained the geology of sedimentation and the process of fossilization. I also explained the use of radioactive isotopes, and other things. There is an analogy here. Unionists are exactly like young earthers.
  19. I can't believe people still respond to that idiot. He's one of the thickest individuals I've came across, and as someone who has live in the Midwest for almost 20 years, that's quite the achievement.
  20. I can't see any more calls for a 2nd Brexit referendum. I think it would be an even bigger leave vote. The English have gone totally mad and one day it will all come crumbling down.
  21. Glad you agree. First truth you've spoken for a few years.
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