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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. I have two brother's-in-law who are fanatical Christians. They believe every single word in the bible. I once told one of them that if Satan caused the great flood it would have been an act of evil. Did not go down well.
  2. All of Trump's inner circle really thought that *somehow* he was still going to take the presidency. Because Trump. Reality is now setting in for them. Talk about rats leaving the sinking ship.
  3. You got to indoctrinate them young. It's a Christian thing. Edit: I think my atheism has been the stabilizing factor.
  4. It probably won't. I've been here since 2000 and I've went from center-left to more-left. The problem with America is the people get spoon fed on how great it all is. But it's really a façade created by the elite 0.01%.
  5. I can hardly believe that leprechauns actually do exist.
  6. I've got one guy at work who's a heids gone Trump supporter. This is beyond painful. I desperately need Scotland to dump the UK so I can move back to sanity.
  7. Well no, I don't think this was a grand plan by Trump but I do believe some people went there with a malicious plan, hoping the rest of the crowd would get caught up in it.
  8. Now that part I 100% agree with. I just don't think this was something that went as planned. Therefore not under control.
  9. I see the National has found a spot on CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/07/media/newspapers-around-the-world-washington-dc-riots-trnd/index.html
  10. I have to admit that it was quite satisfying knowing that Thatcher spent her last years as a senile boot who had to be spoon fed.
  11. Some people will have to feel the effect of Brexit to realize it isn't just bluster.
  12. I hope Biden does away with this. Executions have no place in a modern society. It always amazes me that the more hardcore Christian you are, the more pro-death penalty you are. Seems like Christianity has no place in a modern society either. I mean these people actually believe there was a talking serpent that lived in a magical fruit tree. Depressing.
  13. I see that someone just learned the word twerk. How exciting for him. It must be a tad depressing being a yoon.
  14. At this point, the union is past saving. Deal or no deal.
  15. I'm not sure I buy into that. I just can't see the assassins being sentimental about the other people in the car. Scary if true though.
  16. Tartan gonk alert. Fucking reptiles. The lot of them.
  17. The homophobic attitude of Reagan was a big factor in all those deaths. Honestly, I can't fathom why he is remembered so fondly here in the States. The guy was insane.
  18. In 2020 they are, and I doubt that will change as time goes on. Westminster is far too London centric to stop the momentum.
  19. One significant problem is people have been conditioned into auto-accepting a refusal for WM to grant a referendum. At some point in time there has to be a tipping point though. Or Scotland can accept that the English will be voting tory for a long time.
  20. I know Prince Andrew couldn't make it. He was with the butler's daughter.
  21. Yeah check out those tartan gonks. Bunch of inbred mutants.
  22. I find it hard to believe there's a bigger grievance junky than yourself.
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