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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. If Trump wasn't born into massive wealth he'd probably be a janitor.
  2. All those countries without nukes have never actually needed them though. So in what way have nukes kept us safe?
  3. The Trump supporters in my street like to shove it in your face with a half dozen placards, several flags and Jesus4Guns bumper stickers on their stupid hick truck. These people are mad.
  4. Some people are going to be against independence no matter what. These people like to pretend they can be convinced otherwise by erecting bizarre impossible hurdles and then gloat over them like they are clever. It's all so sad.
  5. It isn't hard to come into a forum looking for a real discussion. Stormzy flat out said that's not his intention. Why would you defend him?
  6. My fear is that if he makes a swift recovery he'll downplay the virus as a mild cough. He needs to be hit hard with this thing.
  7. This is good stuff. The mindset is shifting towards the inevitable.
  8. You are incapable of constructing a sentence without some kind of cheap dig. I tried Stormzy, but you have to go on ignore. Peace.
  9. No, you came in here with an antagonistic attitude from the start. You've got no intention of engaging in any type of serious discussion. Maybe you don't realize how many have came before you, all with the same mindset. I could set my watch with you guys because it's all so predictable. I understand that you're upset with how the union is not working out. But that's just the way it is and you can only blame Westminster. It isn't 2014 anymore. The landscape has changed beyond recognition since then.
  10. One day a unionist will come in here with an actual conversation.
  11. Aye well, but the majority of the people in Scotland are not. Boris and co. would have to do something spectacularly awesome to prevent the independence poll figures rising. But he won't. Ironically, he doesn't care about the union either. He doesn't care about you. None of the tories do. They just like the control. At the end of the day, all you've got is the super-cringey ScotNat = bad patter. It's old and it's not working.
  12. You got two likes and the public has spoken? Unionist logic.
  13. Hard to believe that in a country with such a massive population, this is the best on offer. And this is what happens with a two party system.
  14. When I first moved to the States I had someone tell me I speak good English for the amount of time I've been here.
  15. When I see raging Britnats carry on this way, I know that they know that the union is on life support with no foreseeable recovery. This is great.
  16. You keep deliberately missing the point of independence. It's got nothing to do with history. It's all about what's happening now.
  17. No. What that flag meant was misery for countless individuals. I would agree that there's not many nations that are innocent when it comes to slavery, but at least most of us don't flaunt it.
  18. After all the strife that Britain has created in other nations throughout history, why would you even consider that partitioning Scotland is an option? It would lead to nothing good. Probably even violence. It's like you can't stand the fact that Scotland will be successful without little Englanders like yourself dragging us down. By the way, aren't you the idiot who had a confederate flag as your avatar? You know what that flag means, right? Of course you do but you used it anyway.
  19. What a sad bunch. Can't wait to be shot of those losers.
  20. I'm sure it was ok for all these twats to vote the way they did though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9FggJE1HjY
  21. True, true, but in low population regions those numbers do make a bigger difference.
  22. I apologize. The Tory Borders is an absolutely massive sore spot for me so I tend to get bent out of shape when it's brought up. The place is full of subservient farmer families and English settlers who desire a quaint retirement cottage in a scenic location. The realists who live in towns and have to actually make a living are among the good guys though. We're just outnumbered.
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