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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. So, assuming that the UK leaves the EU, do you think the EU nations would be more receptive to an independent Scotland? During the referendum in 2014 they were very careful not to tread on the toes of the UK. Would any obligations to keep the the UK happy be null and void in the run up to indyref2?
  2. It's difficult for me say honestly because I steer away from political and religious talk. I learned very quickly to hide my atheism. However, I've definitely found the more outspoken Jesus-loving, gun-tooting, low wage individuals to be openly republican and just plain thick.
  3. I'd gladly pay more tax for free healthcare here in the States. I'm sure most people here would like free higher education too, or even affordable higher education.
  4. A successful Scotland will further highlight the sheer incompetence of Westminster. Even more than Brexit. Cannae have that.
  5. Show seems like a bit of a joke nowadays.
  6. Practice counting sheep. Man, I needed a laugh today. Thank you Phil.
  7. That thumbs-down image is a wrist breaking feat.
  8. I think he shows some signs of Asperger Syndrome. • limited or inappropriate social interactions• "robotic" or repetitive speech• challenges with nonverbal communication (gestures, facial expression, etc.) coupled with average to above average verbal skills• tendency to discuss self rather than others• inability to understand social/emotional issues or nonliteral phrases• lack of eye contact or reciprocal conversation• obsession with specific, often unusual, topics• one-sided conversations• awkward movements and/or mannerisms
  9. This is exactly it. A lot of people think Britain has some kind of special status in the world. It absolutely does not.
  10. Hi, I'm oaksoft. Lefty, lefty, lefty, lefty, lefty, lefty, lefty. Have a lefty day!
  11. Do you have to fucking complain about everything? I bet you've punctured a few footballs in your miserable life.
  12. We could tell brexiteers to wake up and smell the coffee but they all cut off their noses to spite their face.
  13. Farage makes comments about Scotland being subsidy junkies and then finds he's not welcome in Scotland. Shocking stuff.
  14. Well no, nothing can happen until Scotland is independent. What I am noticing though, is that the EU are slowly letting out little drips of info about where Scotland stands. And it is looking pretty good.
  15. He said: "If the political agreement would be there, then the process would be relatively speedy."
  16. I agree. I think the EU will want to make themselves inclusive, while the UK continues to make itself exclusive.
  17. But this goes back to the question I asked earlier. Would you be willing to stick with being in the EU (doesn't matter when) rather than stick with being in the UK?
  18. There is nothing about the 2014 referendum, from any source, that I can seriously take at face value.
  19. Surely we can only go by the percentages of those who voted?
  20. There is no way to know what would have happened.
  21. Fair enough but I would hope the EU came to some sort of compromise in the interim. Stripping 5 million people of EU citizenship, the vast majority against their will, seems a bit out of touch.
  22. If push came to shove and all that, what is more desirable; out of UK or out of EU?
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