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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. The problem is, all your post end up being a failed wish list.
  2. The whole smear Sturgeon thing hasn't exactly worked so far.
  3. OK then what are they going to do when they get out of bed? Start a union unit?
  4. How does somebody 'vote themselves health care' in America? Not going to happen.
  5. When the prize is 2nd place maybe it's time for them to rethink their ties with Westminster. It's sad to see Labour fall so hard but they deserve everything and nothing.
  6. Is this actually for real? It looks like it but it's hard to tell from over here.
  7. I have to deal with Amazon through my work and all I can say is those guys are the worst bunch of exploiters ever. A dreadful company that treats their workers like trash while Bezos sits with $180 billion in the bank.
  8. The British establishment pretty much threw everything at this and failed spectacularly. With that said, who are these sleeping dogs that we apparently have to fear?
  9. But she's not compromised. This whole drama has compromised a few folks, but not Sturgeon. Everything changed yesterday. Your combination of wishful thinking and relentless tinfoil hattery isn't very compelling.
  10. Omg please tell me it's not true. He obviously has the power to do this and nobody can stop it. We'll have to relearn that Edinburgh is the capital of Stockholm.
  11. Well if Lord Sumption said it.... Or maybe, just maybe there are people who would rather not have more spikes in cases and more deaths. Just saying.
  12. As someone who has no voting rights whatsoever, I'll just say everyone should vote and be happy you get a say.
  13. I don't think it's too surprising. Keir's audience is the English public.
  14. Me and the wife got our stimulus checks yesterday. Handy dandy.
  15. You missed out the bit where the moon-dwelling amphibians stole all the explosive evidence.
  16. No dude, there's something unhinged about you. I don't think you realize it.
  17. Jesus, you're seriously damaged goods. You can't even see how monumentally thick you are.
  18. Is this like the time you said I made a post wanting WWIII and then even after I conclusively proved I said no such thing, you continued spouting pish? Nobody in this forum owes you a fucking thing.
  19. Labour are quite content being in opposition. They don't want any responsibility and don't have an original thought between the lot of them.
  20. Well I don't know. You talk so much troll it's hard to tell. And I'm not under any circumstances going to wade through Kincy's posts. I'm sure in the future we'll see you question his inane ramblings and not mindlessly agree.
  21. Hmmm I'm not so sure. Kincy had suggested this a week or two ago and you tend to latch heavily onto everything he says.
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