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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. Agreed. All my family is in the Borders. All SNP, of course.
  2. The guy with the orange t-shirt is 10 feet behind his belly.
  3. This is the feeling I'm getting as well. Independence supporters need to be less submissive about the whole thing. Show some aggression. This is important shit.
  4. Yes people die of any number of diseases. I mean really? But, we're taking about your views on Covid and your acceptance of a higher death toll. So will you answer the question?
  5. Is it acceptable if your family members die of Covid? Or just other people's family?
  6. I was just laughing at you, generally, as a poster.
  7. Aye but he'll continue to vote tory while denying he is actually a tory.
  8. There are other right wing channels in the States. OAN for example are a bunch of far right lunatics.
  9. Bit of a strawman that. Your comments make you sound like an SNPBad tory shill. Whatever posts you make about the tories is irrelevant.
  10. You aren't really though. This is a thread about George Galloway and Unity but all you've done is be an SNPBad tory shill.
  11. Excess energy is stored in these things called batteries.
  12. It's like you're so bigoted it just feels normal and you genuinely can't understand why you get called out on it.
  13. Even if a referendum was announced a week after the elections, it would still take a while for everything to be sorted out and an agreement reached on the terms.
  14. What a load of rubbish. Nobody is arguing for toothpaste and toilet paper. You're just making that up for drama. I'm sure your opinion on prescriptions would change pretty quick if you had to pay $300 for a months supply, and that's on top of the $400 per month for health insurance. In other words, f**k right off. If you don't want a bus pass or TV license or prescriptions then decline them. Simple.
  15. Why did you come in here if you had no intention of engaging with anyone?
  16. Jesus Christ. If remainers want to start a Rejoin-The-UK-Party then go ahead. Don't whine as if gangs of indy supports are somehow stopping you.
  17. This is like reading a drama-queens greatest hits.
  18. Add that one to your list of hapless fails.
  19. Of all the elections I've missed, this is the one that hits hardest. The Borders could really use my vote, damnit.
  20. Salmond should be grateful he'll see an independent Scotland and just leave it at that.
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