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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. Where did that come from? Borderline strawmanning.
  2. But do you really give a f**k if it's tories, SNP or MRLP? You're quick to jump in and criticize the SNP but how many times have you stepped into a thread to criticize the tories for being corrupt?
  3. This is true. When I came over in 2019 to my hometown Galashiels I was a bit taken aback by how depressed it was. As for Melrose, well when I was younger we always took the piss out of the place because it was such a snooty wee town. Not so much now.
  4. Giving parts of Scotland to the English will really show them we mean business.
  5. Nobody. It's a photoshopped image of a young orangutan.
  6. Where the absolute f**k do you get this information? Oh, you 'think' it up. Got it.
  7. I'm not unwilling to understand anything. You're wishing for something that isn't going to happen. But if you're so confident then maybe a wee bet for charity?
  8. Yes, it is settled. Nobody is going to attempt that kind of political suicide.
  9. I don't think anyone might try to shut down Holyrood. And I'm correct.
  10. A bit cringey replying to your own post but who's going to shut Holyrood down?
  11. In what way does Scotland 'resemble' a one party state? You're more than free to start your own party.
  12. I have to admit, I do miss those Braw Lads Gatherings. Man, that is some piss-up. I think there might be some horses as well. Can't remember.
  13. Oliver Lewis has quit Number 10 as head of the Union unit
  14. I think it's more likely that Westminster will try to give the poorer bits of England to us.
  15. It's a bit of a stretch comparing US politics in the early 70s to present day Scotland.
  16. Church in America is still alive and kicking. It's shocking that these people exist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Quo_miz04Y
  17. The BBC presenter looks gutted. https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1359849606016827394
  18. I think you'll find that the polling companies know more than you.
  19. We'll revisit this in a few years Nothing will surprise me either way.
  20. There was always some talk about him going on somewhere, whether at work or with friends. Now it's crickets. Hopefully he'll just fade away and die a lonely man.
  21. 'Children need a mother and father' 'We are not homophobic'
  22. I rest my case. And that is one creepy man. But my point still stands. After independence, who will WM dig up to negotiate with Scotland? Brexit has shown them to be out of their depth in anything that involves a piece of paper.
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