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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. Yes, living in the States does have its small perks.
  2. If you agree that attacking the SNP gains nothing then why bother? Maybe unionists should try a different approach, like having actual policies to share with us.
  3. She was so excited she left a wee puddle at her feet.
  4. Buckinghamshire. What a place. https://www.bucksfreepress.co.uk/news/19223482.address-bucks-councils-childrens-services-failures/ https://www.bucksfreepress.co.uk/news/politics/18787782.buckinghamshire-council-keeping-head-down-possible-failures-provide-free-home-to-school-transport/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/parents-sue-over-son-s-failure-in-11-plus-exam-710396.html https://www.theguardian.com/education/2020/oct/01/privilege-is-alive-and-well-in-the-chilterns
  5. Oh god. Not another comprehension post. Fucking shoot me.
  6. No examples? Just something you made up in your head then? And now it's the last decade, and not more than 20 years? Seriously, you have chronic mythomania.
  7. I don't think that's true at all. When I lived in Scotland nobody was talking about independence being inevitable. The SNP were still a fairly small party. But since they were so vocal, you must have plenty of examples.
  8. The UK government saying the law had to be obeyed.
  9. In 1999 they were the Fab Seventeen. Not sure why they're all smiley. Thick as f**k.
  10. Yes but that wasn't voter fraud. You said that voter fraud was quite prevalent in Asian communities, but it isn't.
  11. I have the report up. Can you point me to the page I should be looking at because I'm not seeing it.
  12. Selkirk was the last place I lived before moving to the States. Every time I went to a pub it was filled with auld, dour faced c***s. Then you look at housing schemes like Bannerfield and wonder why they vote for this.
  13. Back it up then. Saying 'I believe' isn't actual evidence.
  14. If Alba had started up two years ago with trustworthy people they could have been a useful list party.
  15. I wouldn't vote SNP if they had tory policies. See the difference?
  16. That's exactly the same as voting for a unionist party no matter their policies.
  17. For a referendum it should only be residents who get a say. For elections it's a bit different. You get a vote for 15 years after you leave the country but I think they're changing this as well.
  18. I can send you a macaroni picture of Ohio if you want.
  19. Oh f**k off. You didn't commend me. Bold stance. lmao.
  20. Sure people who live in Scotland can vote. Just like people who move away from Scotland can still express political opinions on independence. The rest of your ramblings are just the usual nonsense we've all come to expect.
  21. I was born in Scotland I was born in the Scottish Borders. You were neither.
  22. Yes I'm in the States. 2019. But your last statement is a non sequitur.
  23. Fair enough. Unionists can keep their monopoly on servility.
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