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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. Imagine giving that wee girl the name Wilf. ooosh.
  2. This is of course, correct. Creationists have got a foot in the door. They've already started with their prayers in schools nonsense. They've been trying to get intelligent design taught in science classes for decades. So far it's been pushed back because there's absolutely zero empirical evidence for it. Unfortunately the momentum and money lies with the creationists.
  3. If it was any other team I'd be like that's photoshopped. But nope. Rangers fans really see themselves as second class citizens. What a bunch of groveling idiots.
  4. I'd say that's a pretty big stumbling block. Is it the biggest? Well that depends on who you ask. I don't think it's odd, but then again I'm thousand of miles away so don't experience the trenches like you lot.
  5. The biggest stumbling block for accountability is the fact that you can't call someone out for their lies. Westminster has these weird rules that don't belong in a 21st century democracy. Do you actually believe that the Scottish government takes pride in being just as dysfunctional and unresponsive as their counterparts at Westminster? Can you give me an example of this pride?
  6. Don't tell me how to write posts. f**k off.
  7. I didn't use swearing to add weight to my argument. I used it because those people are fucking morons.
  8. Maybe one day the clueless troll will grasp the consequences of his asinine comments.
  9. This is going to create a sizable black market in backstreet abortion clinics. Anyone who supports this is a fucking moron.
  10. I suppose the good thing about the OO and the Klan is that they are socially unacceptable for people who actually live in the 21st century.
  11. It's been quite sad watching Detournement shift ever further to the right.
  12. I do feel a wee bit sorry for that imaginary chap from Eyemouth who desperately wants to get his messages in Berwick. Is this where unionism is at?
  13. Seems a bit out of character for him to be wearing lipstick.
  14. You're such a pretentious dick. Did I hurt your feelings?
  15. I agree but I only made the claim that I know the type of person that votes tory. If I have buddies who turn out to be tory voters I'd be absolutely floored. But you never know.
  16. I don't know anyone personally in the Borders who votes tory. I know the type of people who vote for them though.
  17. Here in the States, right wing tendencies are shifting further right and it is not comforting at all. There's nothing on the left, that I can think of, that compares to those absolute nut jobs. It is everywhere.
  18. You should have made it about fly fishing. Missed opportunity. This is painfully bad.
  19. Nice colours. You should overlay some My Little Pony images on that. Maybe a cuddly unicorn or Barbie Pop Star.
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