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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. You're the one who started the whole Jockistan nonsense. Quite simply, you don't have to act that way.
  2. I assume it's hard getting written permission for that kind of stuff, with you being from Jockistan.
  3. I heard that Diana's inspiration was a local gardener with ginger hair.
  4. What kind of regulations do you find acceptable?
  5. It was quite funny watching the England game on ESPN where the commentator went on about them taking the knee for 'action against discrimination'. Then later on he talked about how the English manager had his suit specially made in England, because 'keeping it English'.
  6. I'm not sure why they chose a bus conductor for those scarves. A cop would've made more sense.
  7. That's quite funny. Last time I was in Scotland my dad had a local paper and sure enough, I remember seeing that dirtbag in there. Not sure if it was the Southern Reporter or the Border Telegraph but we can agree he's an absolute weasel.
  8. Coming from the guy who would rather see Scotland under perpetual tory rule than see us independent.
  9. England is just ran by the wife, so I've heard.
  10. It's like his head has shrunk but his hair is the same size.
  11. I've noticed that the yoon media like to start their anti-SNP headlines with specific keywords. Fury as... Storm as... Backlash as... Shock as... Horror as... Do unionists spend their days being all furious at stuff? Is this how the gammon phenomena came about?
  12. There's nothing social about it though. It's a very controlling ideology.
  13. I remember a couple of years ago when my brother-in-law's English neighbor wouldn't come over and meet me because the 'damn jocks and Irish' trying to thwart brexit. You know what I done? Nothing, because I didn't give a f**k. Shocker. That kind of shit goes on.
  14. f**k off. It doesn't depress you at all. You always post this stuff with a smug comment and a little bit of jockistan denigration. You're pathetic.
  15. I'm sure you'd fit right in. https://www.kentonline.co.uk/kent/news/almost-200-pupils-excluded-for-racist-abuse-231761/
  16. This reminds me of that time a few years ago when Blizzard had to suck on China's ringpiece over a comment on Hong Kong. Meanwhile China forces more than a million Uighurs into 're-education camps'.
  17. No, I described one forum as dreadful. But yes, I'm sure you're correct. All those comments denigrating Scotland are not believable and are just a wee joke.
  18. He said: 'Please, just one example'. And he got one. No need to move the goalposts. You can also take a peek at that dreadful ukpolitics forum on reddit. They sure love us over there.
  19. At the end of the day, it's gammons who keep gammonism alive.
  20. The same Dr Gerald Edwards who said The guy obviously knows his stuff. Just not in this reality.
  21. Definitely some kind of sewage seepage.
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